Wheel of Time series preview pics!
The most recent Entertainment Weekly magazine includes some photographic stills from the upcoming Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime due to premier in November 2021.
Nynaeve, Matrim, Lan, Moraine Sedai, Egwene, Perrin, and Rand
This is the main character lineup (sans Thom) from the start of the show. We have from left to right, Nynaeve, Matrim, Lan, Moraine Sedai, Egwene, Perrin, and Rand. I’m not sure when this photo takes place in the show due to the absence of Thom, but maybe he got cropped out.
Egwene and Rand have a heart to heart.
My best guess is that the above scene takes place after the group leaves the Two Rivers and is headed towards Baerlon. Egwene and Rand talk about their future together and if it’ll work out or not.
Lan, Moraine, and Mandarb in Shadar Logoth
This is one my most anticipated scenes that I want to see in the first few episodes of the show. The group is forced in Shadar Logoth to hide from their enemies, but they awaken an even greater, more dangerous evil that will plague the heroes for the rest of the series.
Logain is captured by the Red Ajah
Here we see Logain after being captured by the Red Ajah for being a false Dragon. He is being held captive by the Power.
What do you think of these images from the show? Are you liking what you’re seeing?