Season One - Episode Five - Rookies


Domino Squad on assignment

Domino Squad on assignment

The first of many clone-centric episodes, Rookies introduces us to Domino Squad - Fives, Echo, Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. These rookies, along with some other clones, are fresh out of training and are on their first assignment, manning the Rishi outpost. Supposedly nothing ever happens there, but not this night! The Separatists send a sneak attack to infiltrate and overtake the Rishi outpost. The Separatists are successful and end up destroying the outpost. The clones are able to escape with the help of Captain Rex and Commander Cody. Only Fives and Echo end up surviving the attack, which upon first viewing isn’t impactful as it will be later on in the series.

While Fives and Echo survive, this isn’t the end of their story as we see them have further adventures throughout the series.

*Once again, there is a prequel to a Season One episode introduced later on in the series. Episode 1 in Season 3, Clone Cadets, introduces us to Domino Squad and how these troopers must learn how to work together to pass their initial training.