Happy Batman Day!
I’m seeing conflicting reports about which day is Batman Day 2019. So, I figure why not celebrate both days?!
Today, Sept 15th, as well as Sept 21st 2019 are being touted as Batman Day. This year is also the 80th anniversary of Batman as he was introduced in comics in March 1939.
My favorite reiteration of The Dark Knight has been Batfleck, Ben Affleck’s portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman in BvS: Dawn of Justice and Justice League (to some degree) have been my favorites so far. Plus, reading DC’s New 52 Batman comics (The Dark Knight, Justice League, Batman, and Detective Comics (2011)) for the past few months have been a lot of fun. Up until Batman v Superman, I wasn’t that big of a Batman fan, I liked Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and enjoyed the other films. But it wasn’t until this film with Ben Affleck that I really bought in to Batman and have enjoyed the character.
Happy Batman Day! Celebrate by watching, reading, playing your favorite Batman movie, TV show, comic, novel, or video game!
Also, check out our exclusive podcast review of The Dark Knight, as we reviewed the film on it’s 10 year anniversary! You can find it on our Credible Nerds podcast feed on Patreon!
A Dark Knight for the ages.