Season One - Episode One - Ambush
Wars not make one great.
This first episode out of the gate, we get a Yoda centered episode as he and a small group of clone troopers try to win over the Toydarian king, King Katuunko, by defeating the Separatists army and outsmarting Asajj Ventress. Toydaria is a key location along the hyperspace routes that can be used for supplies and refueling that both sides of the Galactic conflict could benefit from.
We get to see Yoda in action as he uses the Force and lightsaber in ways that we only caught glimpses of in the film Episode 2: Attack of the Clones in his duel with Count Dooku. We see why Obi-Wan chides Anakin in Attack of the Clones when he says, “If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman.”.
We see Yoda dispense some wisdom to the clones about the Force and how while the clones think they aren’t important in the bigger picture, Yoda tells them that they matter and are individual in the Force.
Yoda and the clones are able to defeat the Separatist army and win the approval of King Katuunko and are able to use the planet of Toydaria for their staging grounds for the Republic.
*While this is Episode One of Season One, in pure Star Wars fashion, there is a prequel to this episode that shows up later in Season Three. Episode Three of Season Three - Supply Lines will develop the larger overall story of how this episode of Ambush plays into the big picture of The Clone Wars.