Season One - Episode Two - Rising Malevolence


Fire when ready.

Fire when ready.

After the personal and smaller scaled conflict of Episode One: Ambush, we return to the large galactic conflict of The Clone Wars, with the first episode of the Malevolence Trilogy - Rising Malevolence.

Count Dooku helps create one of the most interesting weapons in the Star Wars galaxy and is clearly a predecessor to the Death Star that shows up later in the Saga. The Malevolence is able to shoot a large scale destructive ion cannon at opposing starships. This ray disables the Republic Cruisers and it’s fighters which then allows the Separatist armies to destroy the Republic ships without any resistance. The Malevolence is able to strike from a distance, which leads to the mysterious nature of the ship. The Republic forces are unable to identify the ship before they are disabled and it takes awhile for the Republic to figure out what it is happening to their ships.

This is one of the most destructive ships we’ve seen in Star Wars (second only to the moon and planet sized battle stations) and we see how important it is for the Republic to stop the ship.

In this Episode we also get Jedi Master Plo-Koon and his clone troopers who are stuck in the wreckage as Anakin and Ahsoka, in their smuggler ship the Twilight, race to rescue them before the Separatists find them and kill them. There are some great tense moments as Plo Koon and his troops fight off the battle droids in zero gravity, as Anakin and Ahsoka rescue them and have to escape the Malevolence’s grasp.