Happy Birthday Superman!
Even Superhero’s have birthdays!
Read MoreEven Superhero’s have birthdays!
Read MoreA review of Smallville Season One, Episode One. We are introduced to the main characters of the series and see how the Kryptonite meteor shower changed everything for this small town.
Read MoreSpoilers for Justice League are in this post! Don't read if you haven't seen the film yet.
With the recent release of Justice League, I’ve had a lot of thoughts about Justice League and Batman vs Superman and how they can’t be dismissed lightly because of how layered the films and the overall story are:
First of all, we can’t take the plot of these films too lightly. If you think Justice League is about the Justice League defeating the alien threat of Steppenwolf and his parademons, then you should go rewatch the film again (I say rewatch it anyways, cause it’s such a great film), as this is the secondary plot of the movie. The primary plot of Justice League is really about the formation of the team and the individual team members having to learn how to come together and unite to form an unbeatable force (it’s all right in front of us in the marketing of the film). They all have a personal journey to make, and they have to overcome their fears and doubts before they can begin to trust each other and work together. This is illustrated to us very well in the beginnings of the film as Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince contact the different metahumans, Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, and Victor Stone. The names of these three and others were given to Bruce by Amanda Waller as shown to us in the Oscar winning film - Suicide Squad, which occurred in between Dawn of Justice and Justice League.
We are also shown how invincible Steppenwolf is as he is able to easily overcome the individual forces, the Amazonians, the Atlanteans, and Man to obtain the Motherboxes. It isn’t until the League is able to unite and work together that they are able to defeat him, and even then they need some “super” help (sorry, couldn’t help myself. lol). We see how, without Superman, Earth is doomed and the inhabitants of Earth would be unable to defeat Steppenwolf. The League has to learn how to work together to bring Superman back and they all played a part in bringing him back with the help of one of the Motherboxes. It isn’t until Superman is fully back and unites with the League that Steppenwolf can be defeated and sent packing.
Some have thought that Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice only showed us 15 mins (or whatever it ended up being) of Superman and Batman actually fighting, if so - then you need to rewatch the film. Batman versus Superman starts in the Prologue of the film when Batman witnesses firsthand the destruction of Metropolis and he sees Superman and Zod destroying Metropolis and he decides Superman is dangerous and he then starts his quest to destroy Superman. The whole movie is Batman/Bruce Wayne’s machinations to destroy Superman.
Having Lex Luthor behind the scenes pulling the strings to drag Batman further down into the darkness is icing on the cake for this film. While Batman is distracted by figuring out a way to defeat Superman, the real villain, who is Lex, ultimately unleashes a devil to destroy a god, in which he eventually succeeds. Lex is aware that in defeating Superman he can bring in true chaos to the world by way of the Motherboxes. The effects of Lex's plan is dealt with in Justice League, which in turn makes that last end credit scene in Justice League more meaningful and it isn't just eye candy.
Lex would’ve triumphed except for he forgot the one thing that trumps everything and can’t be quantified- Love. Especially the love a son has for his mother, and how some men would do anything to protect their mother. He was counting on Clark Kent's love for his mother to manipulate him into defeating Batman, but he overlooked Bruce's love for his long dead mother. Maybe he thought Bruce was too far down the dark path and couldn't be redeemed because of the crimes he had committed. Bruce Wayne became Batman because of the love he had for his mother and father. But he had lost sight of this over the past couple of years due to the darkness of Gotham. He was becoming the type of person he had initially set out to protect people from. Clark’s love for his mother broke through this darkness and reminded Bruce of why he became Batman in the first place. He became Batman to protect the Martha and Thomas Wayne’s of the world.
With Clark Kent speaking the name of “Martha” and to "save Martha" this snapped Bruce back to what he was all about in the first place and he also realized the being in front of him was more like him than he realized. He saw a chance to do what his pre-teen self couldn't do - "save Martha". He saw that Clark cared just as much for his mother and that his last dying breath was for someone to save his mother regardless of what happened to him. This is why he was willing to spare Superman and go save Martha Kent while Clark went to deal with Lex. Thus the beginning of the Justice League and you can say the Dawn of Justice.
"Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: God versus man; day versus night; Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!"- Lex Luthor
Batman versus Superman. When this title was announced at San Diego Comic Con in 2014, it blew my mind! I was eagerly awaiting the announcement of a Man of Steel 2 movie, but this! This, my fellow nerds, was paramount to the Second Coming! Then to top it all off - Wonder Woman was announced to be a part of the movie too!
Batman AND Superman in the same movie?! The Man of Steel AND The Dark Knight at odds one with another?! Wonder Woman fighting alongside the two most iconic superheroes of all time?! Finally! This will be the first time The Trinity would appear on the big screen for fans to enjoy. For the first time we will see Diana Prince in action on film. The potential for greatness and movie making history was finally announced! And let me tell you, this film did not disappoint.
Wait, WHAT?! What is this you are reading? I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Am I truly reading a review of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice that isn't disparaging the film left and right?" or "Am I understanding this correctly? This guy actually LIKED this movie?!" The answer is yes, you are.
But all joking aside; yes, I did enjoy this movie from the first viewing. I saw it multiple times in the theaters, four times in fact. I would've gone once or twice more had I had the time to do so. I bought the Ultimate Edition when it came out on home video and my appreciation and enjoyment of this film grew even more. The storyline and character development was fleshed out to be more fulfilling and robust with the Ultimate Edition. If this Ultimate Edition had been released in theaters, I believe it would have been better received.
I intend to break this film down into various parts from beginning to end, as well as to write a character analysis for each of the main players in the film, over the next few weeks. To discuss and analyze everything this movie event has to offer would be too long for one blog post. I will attempt to win over those that dislike, are ambivalent, and even hate this movie; as well as reinforce the greatness of this movie with those that do enjoy it. I'm looking forward to this experience as I delve deep into this film, which in my opinion could be considered the greatest movie of 2016. It's only competition being Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
But at the end of the day, if you don't like the film - that's fine, if you do like the film -great! Either way, life will go on and Warner Bros. will continue to produce and release films from the DC Universe for those that enjoy them.
Listed below are the topics I will address and expound upon, I will activate links to the various topics and characters as I finish writing them.
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice pt. 1 - Prologue
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice pt. 2 - The Setup
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice pt. 3 - Investigations
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice pt. 4 - The Plan is Set in Motion
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice pt. 5 - War
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Lex Luthor
Lois Lane
Apocalypse shows up what would happen if Kal-El hadn't made it to Earth and the results of Lex Luthor's quest for power. While reminiscent of It's a Wonderful Life, this episode shows us some previews of Clark and Lois and the chemistry they will later have. We see how Clark will embrace his destiny after trying to put it off for some time. In this alternate timeline, we get to see Clark Kent in the press reporter outfit with glasses that we have come to know and love. Kara is rescued from Krypton and we get to see baby Kal-El once again. This episode is full of nostalgic moments, at least if you're old enough to have seen the Superman movie from the late 70's. While I am not a fan of the episodes where Clark's secret is revealed to a major character, but then by the end of the episode those characters no longer remember it, this one was well done and entertaining.
At the loft in the Kent barn, Clark Kent is reading Dr. Virgil Swan's journal. Choe Sullivan comes in and Clark tells Chloe that he received another message from Kara Kent on Krypton. Clark needs to go back to Krypton to stop them from destroying him as a baby. Clark decides not to go back in time to Krypton. Chloe pleads with Clark to go back to Krypton, and puts the key into his hand. He says that this planet would be better off if he had never existed. They key emits a light and Clark wakes up in the barn. A teenager comes in and asks him what he is doing in there. The boy reveals that he is Clark Kent.
Clark goes into the farmhouse and sees pictures of Jonathan and Martha Kent with the new Clark Kent. The new Clark Kent tells him to get out of the home. Clark decides to check on his friends, and looks up their addresses to go talk with them. He tracks down Chloe Sullivan, and she doesn't know him. He introduces himself to her and asks about Lana Lang. She doesn't know where she is. Chloe is engaged and introduces him to her fiance. Clark tells her that he is happy for her.
Clark goes to the Daily Planet and runs into Jimmy Olsen. He enlists Jimmy to help track down Lana. Jimmy does a search for her, and discovers that Lana is now married with kids. Clark is happy for Lana, and turns to leave and bumps into Lois Lane. Clark catches her and she comments on how cute he is. She invites Clark to have a drink with him after work. Just then, the feds come in and arrest Lois for possessing government property. The leader of the group is Kara Kent, they take Lois off in handcuffs. Jimmy reveals that Lex Luthor is President. Clark tells him that he has to stop Lex. Jimmy is about to shred some evidence and tells Clark that Lois has him run errands for her. Jimmy tells Clark who to talk to to find out more information.
Clark goes to a bar to find this person, and sees the old Sheriff of Smallville, Sheriff Adams, but she doesn't recognize him. She happens to be the person that Clark needs to get information from. He tells her that Lois was arrested, Adams doesn't know this. Clark wants to know where she is, Adams tells him.
Black SUV's pull up to a facility and bring Lois out. Clark disables the security guards and grabs Lois. She is twitterpated at being rescued by Clark.
They go to Jimmy's place and Lois tells Clark that she has confidential information,a video, that would incriminate Lex Luthor and expose his lies. While in captivity, Lois overheard that they will be taken Lex to NORAD to hide out. Lois thinks that it's the result of an impending nuclear threat. The video shows that Milton Fine is working with Lex. Clark realizes that because he wasn't there to stop them, Lex and Fine are taking over the world. They devise a plan to stop them by getting the codes for the nuclear launch. Clark puts on a suit and tie and Lois gives him her press pass. Lois then puts the famous dark rimmed glasses on Clark.
At a press conference, Kara and Lex are discussing how while Lex is looking out for the greater good of humanity, Fine is behind the false information of a nuclear attack. Kara reveals a document that proves this. Lex burns it and tells her that Fine is following his orders. Lex pulls the guilt card on her and tells her that he is disappointed in her. Lex reminds her that his father found her ship by the Reeves Dam and protected her. Kara backs down and Fine comes in to take Lex to the press conference and they leave.
Clark confronts Kara and reveals himself to her. They talk about how to stop Lex and Fine. Kara is reluctant and says she is loyal to Lex. Clark tells her that Fine is Brainiac and that he must be stopped. Apparently Kara knows who Brainiac is in this alternate timeline and agrees to help Clark stop Brainiac. They go to Lex and tell him of Brainiac's evil plan. Clark tells Lex that Fine is using him to gain access to the nuclear arsenal. Lex reveals that he knows this and that the world's best and brightest are safe and that he will be their leader. Lex pulls a gun and shoots Clark with kryptonite bullets. He then shoots Kara too. Fine comes in and has Kara transported to medical care with kryptonite handcuffs. He brings in the briefcase and Lex gives the codes for the nuclear launch. Lex leaves for NORAD, and Fine stays to deal with Clark. They talk about how Fine will use Kara's fortress to release General Zod from the Phantom Zone.
Fine shoots Clark in the head, but it reveals that this alternate reality has been put in motion by Jor-El. He tells Clark that he must stop Brainiac and go to Krypton. Clark is then back in the barn with Chloe. He tells her that he must go to Krypton to stop Brainiac.
On Krypton, Brainiac has baby Kal-El and is about to stab him. Kara steps in and tries to stop it. Brainiac throws her and tells her that she can't stop him. Clark shows up and he and Fine struggle. Kara comes up behind him and stabs him with the knife. Clark grabs his babyself and puts him in the ship. Kara deals with Brainiac and the ship with Kal-El takes off. Clark asks about Brainiac and Kara tells him that she destroyed him. Kara and Clark escape through the portal back to Earth.
On Earth, Clark checks on Lana via telephone and she is getting worse. Clark and Kara talk about going back in time again to try and fix things again, they could save their planet. Clark tells her that they can't change the past, they can only affect the future. Kara tells him that no matter what she will be there to support him.
Lex visits Clark in the barn and they talk about Lana Lang and her condition. Lex has had the best doctors check on Lana and they don't have any idea on how to heal her. Clark tells Lex that he doesn't know what can be done. Lex doesn't believe him and tells him to come to him if there is anything he remembers.
At the Daily Planet, Clark is researching ways to help Lana. Lois comes in and questions what he is doing. He tells her and she doesn't know what to say. Lois wants to help Clark, but doesn't know what to say. Clark tells her that she is a good friend, and she invites him to go out for a drink with her.
At the Kent home, Kara is up and goes to get a drink of milk, but starts to have a major headache and falls to the floor in pain.
Overall, I thought this was a boring episode, and that it was aptly titled -Sleeper. But it did bring to light some good information for the ongoing story plot. Obviously the whereabouts of Kara and Brainiac are huge and what Brainiac's evil plot to destroy Clark Kent is. While this nugget of information is huge and very interesting to find out, the rest of the episode is a foray into the relationship of Jimmy Olsen and Chloe Sullivan. While I find these characters interesting, as long as they don't overstep their bounds for their roles in the series, I don't find their relationship very interesting. It could be that I have a longing for Chloe and Clark to get together in a romantic relationship, which will probably never happen. But I think Jimmy is best relegated to a secondary or tertiary role in the series, as this attempt to have him as a primary role in the episode fell flat, for me anyways. The introduction of Special Agent Vanessa Weber and the introduction of her into the series was well done and I found her character and involvement more interesting than Jimmy Olsen in this episode. Sadly, I doubt we'll be seeing Agent Weber very much if at all in the future. The subplot of Lex Luthor opening the lock box in Zurich was a big deal and what the reveal for what was inside it is a big plot point too. However, this subplot took very little screen time and could've been easily added to any other episode.
At a club full of beautiful people, we see a masked man in black crawling through the ventilation shaft. He opens the vent and jumps down into a hallway and uses a stun gun on a man with a briefcase. He opens the briefcase and downloads the contents. He leaves and goes into an elevator and removes his black clothing. It is none other than Jimmy Olsen!
The next scene starts off with the title - 14 hours earlier. We then see Jimmy clumsily making breakfast for Chloe Sullivan. Chloe comes into the kitchen and tells him that she can't stay for breakfast. Jimmy is sad, and feels neglected. He questions Chloe if she is feeling anything for their relationship anymore. She indicates that it will take some time, plus she is really busy running Isis for Lana Lang, while she is incapacitated. She tells Jimmy that she will take him to lunch later and leaves for work. Jimmy eats breakfast alone, and we see that someone is spying on him through the window with some high tech gear.
At Isis, Chloe is getting things up and running, Clark comes in and tells her that he didn't get the keys yet and that he spent all night by Lana's side. Chloe tells Clark that he needs to put more effort into getting those keys from Lex or else it won't matter anymore. They discuss the need to find Brainiac so that they can get Lana healed. Clark and Chloe are frustrated over the lack of success. They decide to take a different approach and look at information gained from satellite images. Chloe will try to access this information and Clark will try to get information from Dr. Swan's journals.
Jimmy is hanging out at the Talon, when Special Agent Vanessa Weber begins telling Jimmy that they have been watching him. She accuses him of hacking the mainframe of the NSA. Jimmy doesn't know what she is talking about and Vanessa shows him a picture of Chloe and accuses Chloe of being a terrorist. Vanessa wants Jimmy to spy on Chloe and to tell them if she makes her move. Vanessa gives Jimmy a suitcase full of spy gear. She tells Jimmy that Chloe is not who he thinks she is. Jimmy believes her.
Jimmy goes to Isis and talks to Chloe about how they were supposed to have lunch but she forgot. Chloe blows him off and she runs off to meet with Clark.
Lex Luthor is planning his trip to Zurich and an assistant comes and tells him that there are some complications, the government has red flagged his travel plans. Lex tells him to fix it.
Jimmy comes back to Isis and breaks in and opens the computer lab. He sees that Chloe is trying to hack into the NSA satellites.
At Chloe's apartment, Clark has been reading Swan's journal and tells Chloe that there is a page there that wasn't there before. There is a message that in order for him to save Lana, he needs to take her to the fortress. Chloe tells him that it might be a trick, but Clark is willing to risk it.
Clark goes back to the barn and gets the portal key. Jimmy comes walking in and wants to talk to him. Jimmy hints that he has a friend that is hiding something, Clark surmises it's Chloe and encourages him to trust her.
Clark goes to the Fortress and questions Jor-El about the message to save Lana. He hears a distorted voice and it is Kara trying to communicate with him. She warns him and states that she is on Krypton. Clark is confused.
At Isis, Chloe is trying to hack into the satellites information and comes across information that could help him track down Braniac. She calls Clark and tells him that she has a way to figure out what's going on. The computer starts copying files and Chloe figures out that Jimmy is the one copying the files.
Jimmy meets with Agent Weber and she tells him to go with Chloe to the club and to wear a wire to spy on her. She threatens Jimmy to do it, even though he doesn't want to, or else they will both be facing federal charges.
At the club, Chloe and Jimmy are dressed to impress. Jimmy uses his cell phone to clone the data files from Chloe's phone to his. He distracts her by asking her to dance. They dance like pros and Chloe is impressed. Afterwards, Jimmy grabs his phone and then makes an excuse to go. Chloe then gets into the elevator. She goes to another floor in the building which happens to have a computer lab for the satellites. Jimmy is now dressed in black, crawling through the ventilation shafts as in the beginning of the episode. While Chloe is hacking into the satellite system, Jimmy is tasing the man with the briefcase. Chloe finds the information that will help them locate Brainiac. Jimmy exits the elevator and goes to find Agent Weber. He gives Vanessa the cell phone and it contains false information. It turns out Chloe double crossed Jimmy. Vanessa tells Jimmy that he is going to prison and has him escorted out. Chloe locates the information and sends it to her email address, just as Agent Weber comes in and stops Chloe. Jimmy disables the guard and heads back to where Chloe is. She is being interrogated by Agent Weber, Chloe won't talk and is being beaten for it. Jimmy comes in and distracts Agent Weber, he disables the other guard, but Weber starts beating him up, but he knocks Vanessa out. He unties Chloe and they escape.
Back at the Talon, Jimmy and Chloe begin arguing about trust and how Chloe has been deceiving him. Chloe admits that she lied to him, and tells him to ask her whatever he wants to. Jimmy kisses her and then she kisses him back. Jimmy tells her that the feds won't be coming after them, that he has taken care of it.
In Zurich, Switzerland, Lex arrives at the bank and is handed the lock box. He goes into a room and opens the box using the two keys. There is nothing inside the box. Or so it appears. There is a secret compartment, that Lex finds and he finds the envelope. Inside is a device with wheels that must be configured to reveal the Veritas V. Lex is assaulted from behind, but he disables the assailant who tells him that "You aren't one of them", before being knocked out.
At the Daily Planet, Jimmy visits Lex and asks him for help. Lex has cleared Chloe's name and Jimmy asks what's the catch. Lex says there's no catch, but tells him that when he needs help, he knows Jimmy will be there for him. Jimmy leaves knowing he just made a deal with the devil.
At the barn loft, Clark tells Chloe that Brainiac has taken Kara to Krypton, but that is impossible. Chloe tells Clark that maybe it is true and shows him pictures that were taken by the satellites. Chloe shows Clark how the pictures show a vortex opening and revealing a red star and a planet. They surmise that Kara and Brainiac have time traveled back to the time when Krypton still existed. They realize that Clark has to go back in time to Krypton as well to prevent Brainiac from killing him as a baby and causing him to cease to exist.
In a deleted scene, we see Lex being visited by Special Agent Weber. He reveals that he knows he is being barred from international travel due to her survelliance on the Daily Planet and Chloe Sullivan. He threatens her to fix that ban on Lex's travel or he will reveal her unethical tactics to her supervisor.
In a second deleted scene, we see Chloe get into the elevator at the club. She has a key hidden in her shoe that allows her to access the floor to the satellite computer lab via elevator.
Lex Luthor has been flirting with the dark side for some time now. He has been on the edge, but has always had a reason to not jump off. In this episode, titled Descent, we see the events that pushes him over that edge and causes him to descend into the darkness. He not only commits a physical act that has him embrace the darkness, but an internal struggle is going on inside him as well. These two events are the final acts that enable Lex's journey to pure evil become complete. We also see how the friendship of Lex and Clark Kent will never be repairable and how after six and a half seasons, there is no going back for them.
Lionel Luthor shows up to LuthorCorp at night and goes to his office, Lex is there. Lex talks to him about the Traveler and asks him if he has found the Traveler. Lionel tries to play it off as nonsense. Lex brings up how they were in Smallville when the meteor shower occurred. Lex accuses him of being there for the Traveler and that he put his life at risk for this Traveler. Lex asks him who the Traveler is, and Lionel tries to tell Lex that he, Lex, is the Traveler. Lex doesn't buy it and tells him that he will find the box in Zurich and find out for himself. He pulls out a gun and tells Lionel to give him the second key. Lex pulls it off Lionel's neck and then pushes Lionel out of his office window. Lionel calmly falls to his presumed death.
At the Daily Planet, Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent are searching for Brainiac and any clues to his whereabouts. They notice a buzz going on, and Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen come in reporting that someone jumped off the LuthorCorp building and that it might be Lionel Luthor. They all rush outside and there is a body covered, lying on the steps. Lex comes out to the steps and pretends that he doesn't know what is going on. Lex identifies Lionel and acts like he is shock. Lex hears a voice, saying "You killed him?". He turns and sees the younger version of himself asking this question. Lex turns and finds Clark in the crowd and starts to walk away. Clark talks with Chloe about how he doubts that Lionel committed suicide and mentions that Lionel had talked to him earlier and that he wanted to give him a locket.
Back at the Luthor mansion, Lex is sitting by the fireplace by himself. His assistant comes in and offers her condolescences. Lex tells her about a memory that he has about his dad taking him to the a museum in Washington DC. Lex has his locket, and the assistant figures out what happened and tells him that know one would ever know. She opens the locket and the key isn't inside. She tells him that Lionel visited the basement of the Daily Planet. Lex prepares to leave, and his younger self visits him again. Alexander tells Lex that he shouldn't have killed Lionel. Lex yells at him, and then realizes Alexander isn't real.
At LuthorCorp in Lionel's office, Clark is studying the scene and opens the vault. He examines the valuables in Lionel's vault and notices some kryptonian symbols on a metal bar. He picks it up and reads them. It says: Kal-El in the event of my death. He turns the different sections and it turns on and projects a message on the wall. More kryptonian symbols appear and the message informs him of the the two keys and they will reveal information on how to stop Clark. He must prevent this from happening.
At the Daily Planet, Jimmy is looking at a picture taken in Lex's Daily Planet office. In the background, Lionel is being pushed out of the window, but they can't make out who the other person is. They decide to go to Isis and use the computers that Lana has. They agree to get Chloe's help. Chloe walks in to her office and finds a paper folded up and inside it is a key, the second key to the box in Zurich. She hides the key in her desk. Lex comes down the stairs and starts to question Chloe about his father visiting her. He looks inside the desk and finds the key. He accuses Chloe of hiding it from him, which she was, and then fires her. Chloe is escorted from the building. Lex's assistant comes in and says she will get things ready and that he should go home and get some sleep. She overly friendly with him and tells him "We did it Lex.". Lex gives her a cold look and walks out. The assistant goes to pack up Chloe's things and there's a text message from Jimmy indicating that Lionel's death wasn't a suicide and that they have a picture. The assistant reads it and goes to Jimmy's office. She pulls a gun on them and escorts them into the storage room. The assistant tells them that she knows that the picture was uploaded to a second server. She shoots Lois in the shoulder, forcing them to tell her where it was uploaded to. She then puts them in a cold freezer and closes the door. Jimmy is left banging on the door.
At Isis Chloe and Clark are already there. Clark tells Chloe about Lionel's message. She tells Clark how Jimmy uploaded the photo to the server. She pulls it up and starts working on the resolution. Chloe tells Clark about how Lex found the key and then fired her. She will work on it. Clark goes to the mansion to find the key.
At the mansion Clark is looking for the key and Lex walks in. Clark tells him that he doesn't believe Lionel killed himself. They begin talking about their fathers and their early friendship. Lex tells Clark that he turned out the way he did because of Clark. He just wanted to be friends with Clark. Lex talks about how his father turned to Clark because he could trust him. Lex begins to blame Clark for Jonathan's death, but Clark tells him that he has proof that Lex killed Lionel.
At Isis, Chloe has been working on the picture and the final resolution comes through and Chloe sees Lex in the picture. Just then, Lex's assistant comes in and knocks Chloe out. Clark comes in a few minutes later finding Chloe on the ground. She wakes up and tells him that she saw the picture of Lex pushing Lionel out of the window. They talk about Lois and Jimmy and wonder where they are. They determine that whoever knocked her out must have stopped them from coming over. Clark goes to find them. Lex's assistant is listening and sees Clark superspeed off. She leaves and calls Lex and leaves a message telling him she knows who the Traveler. As she walks to her car, she is grabbed and a man sprays a chemical into her mouth and she convulses and then dies.
Clark goes to the Daily Planet and uses his hearing to locate Lois and Jimmy. They have passed out from the cold, when Clark opens the doors. He uses his heat vision to warm them up and he runs off. Jimmy opens his eyes and sees the door open.
At the mansion, Lex is making plans to go to Zurich via phone. Alexander appears and urges Lex to not go to Zurich. That if he does that then it will destroy him. Lex grabs Alexander and tells him that he makes him weak and then throws him into the fire. Alexander is symbolically killed and has been purged from Lex's conscious.
At the Kent barn, Clark is pondering, looking at the metal bar he found in Lionel's vault. Chloe comes in and tells him that no one is invited to the funeral. Clark tells Chloe that Lionel is another father figure that has died trying to protect him. First, Jor-El, then Jonathan, now Lionel. Clark questions how someone could kill their own father. Chloe tells him that in the pure absence of love, pure evil exists. Lionel died protecting him and they have to prevent Lex from succeeding. Clark vows to get the keys from Lex and not letting him use the keys.
At the cemetary, Lex is standing next to his father's graveside, alone. We see Clark come walking up and stand in front of Lex by the grave. Lex and Clark stare at each other and after a moment, Lex leaves. Clark grabs a handful of dirt and drops it on Lionel's coffin.
In a deleted scene, Lois and Jimmy are in the freezer trying to stay warm and encourage each other to stay awake. Jimmy starts banging on the floor with a metal bar, hoping someone will hear it and rescue them.
While I hated Lionel Luthor for the longest time, pretty much up until this season, I always found that he was true to himself. He was always the jerk of the show, the one who no matter what, you could count on him to always do what's best for him. When he started to slowly change and become a better man, I was always waiting for him to change back to being selfish. In the end he never did, til the end Lionel protected Clark and his secret. While he is mostly responsible for Lex's upbringing, he did try to change him in the end. Lex had his chances to 'repent' and change his ways, even his dead mother couldn't change Lex. Lionel ended up being Clark's friend after Lex couldn't or wouldn't. It was sad to see him meet his demise, but a necessary step for his son, Lex, to descend into the darkness. Lionel will be missed, but I believe he did fulfill his destiny on the show Smallville.
On a sidenote, I was surprised that Martha Kent wasn't brought into the episode somehow. The writers spent a lot of time developing Martha and Lionel's relationship over the previous couple of seasons, and to not have her at the end I thought was a missed emotional opportunity. Maybe they will address it in later episodes.
We learn more about Veritas and those that founded it. We learn that Lex Luthor is gaining memories lost due to his exposure to the meteor shower. We learn that Clark Kent still can't fly. We learn that Virgil Swan, Lionel Luthor, Robert Queen and Edward Teague have known about Kryptonians and in a round about way, Clark Kent since he arrived in Smallville. We learn that there is a mysterious envelope locked in a Zurich vault that contains secret information that only the now deceased Virgil Swan knew about. I was hoping that we'd actually get to see Clark fly, the other times we've seen 'Clark' fly don't count as it wasn't truly Clark. But, no it was only a tease to get our hopes up. We did get to see the dynamic duo of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen work together for the first time as reporter and camera man. Hopefully we'll see more of that in future episodes.
At the Kent farm, Kara Kent is helping out with the chores. An eagle is spying on her and then fly's into the barn. Kara hears the dog barking in the barn and goes to investigate. Inside she finds Professor Fine and he tells her that knows she is from Krypton and he knows about Kal-El. He tells Kara that he knows of a way to go back and change things. Kara doesn't fall for it and Fine grabs her, but Clark Kent arrives and throws him away. Fine then escapes with a warning that other's will be hurt.
Clark tells Kara that Fine isn't a man, he's a machine - Brainiac. Clark tells her that the last time he went up against him, Fine tried to get him to release General Zod. They talk about how Clark needs to learn how to fly if they want to defeat Fine.
Lois is drawing a blank for her next article, Jimmy shows up and suggests that they could work together for a great article. Chloe has run off when Clark called her. Just then Lois gets an email from the coroner's office about how Patricia Swan had been murdered. They decide to go investigate.
Lex Luthor's assistant comes in and tells him that Patricia's murder has been covered up and it won't get back to him. Lex and the assistant talk about Veritas and how he has been searching all his life for it, but didn't know exactly what it was due to the memories he lost from the meteor shower incident. Lex tells her that ever since he got shot in Detroit and was healed, his memories have been coming back. We then see a flashback to when Lex was a child playing hide and seek with Patricia Swan, Oliver Queen and the Teague boy. Lex goes and hides in a closet and overhears the adults, minus Virgil Swan, talking about Veritas and how Virgil Swan is keeping things from them. They formed Veritas to protect the secret of the Traveler. They have an envelope that Lionel wants to open, but the other's won't open it until Swan arrives to the meeting. Lionel accuses Robert Queen of working with Swan to keep the information from him. The Teagues have been searching the earth for the stones and Lionel insinuates a conspiracy to keep him out of the loop. Edward Teague tells Lionel that this is bigger than any of them. Lionel pushes for them to open the envelope to learn the information, because the Traveler is here now. They will take the envelope to Zurich to keep it locked away and safe. Queen has a key that is enclosed in a locket that he wears. Back to the present and Lex now has Patricia's swan locket and he opens it to reveal a similar key. Lex tells his assistant to find out what safe that key opens and she has 24 hours to do so.
At LuthorCorp, Lois and Jimmy sneak in as maintenance workers and ambush Lionel Luthor in his office. Jimmy is taking pictures and Lois is asking him questions about Patricia Swan's murder. Lionel denies killing Patricia. Jimmy shows Lionel pictures of Patricia with her locket on, and the morgue picture shows Patricia without the locket and with scares on her neck from the locket being forcibly removed. Lionel then draws out a locket of his own, the same one that Queen was wearing.
At the Kent farm, from the barn loft Clark is watching Kara fly. She lands next to him and tells him to stop stalling. Apparently Clark is afraid to fly, but Kara encourages him that it's easy, just up, up and away. Clark chickens out and they come up with a different plan of attack. They realize that they can track him by focusing on the energy he uses, that he is a computer.
At Isis, Lana is there alone when Brainiac arrives and grabs Lana. He uses his creepy interface to steal energy from Lana.
At the Planet Clark reads the newspaper about Patricia Swan's death. Chloe tells Clark that she hasn't found any clues that Lionel is behind the murder. Chloe scours the internet for power surges and discovers that there was one by Isis. Clark rushes off and goes to Isis. Lionel is there and Lana is not. Lionel tells Clark that the receptionist told him that Lana had a visitor and then left with him. Clark and Lionel argue over his integrity, Lionel tries to give Clark the locket, but he wouldn't take it. He leaves an envelope for Lana in Isis.
Clark rushes home and finds Lana there. She is cooking something on the stove with her back towards him. She doesn't respond to him talking and Clark goes over and discovers that Lana is boiling water and that the pan is hot and burning her hand. Lana is not responding to the pain and her eyes are milky white. Kara comes in and asks what happened. Lana grabs a pen and paper and writes some kryptonian symbols down. Clark reads them and it says Deliver Kara, Daily Planet. Kara rushes off to the Planet.
Jimmy and Lois break into Isis because Lionel left his office and went straight to Isis. They look around and find Lana's computer room. Lois also finds the envelope left for Lana, containing a picture of Patricia's driver who killed her. There is also a picture of the driver talking with Lex. They surmise that Lex hired the driver to kill Patricia.
At the Luthor mansion, the assistant comes to tell Lex that there is a roadblock. Lex is ready to leave, and is mad there is a hold up. The assistant tells Lex that the safe requires two keys. This is news to Lex. He pulls out an old newspaper that announces the death of the Queens. Lex has another flashback of when he was playing at his dad's office. He goes to listen in and hears his dad talking about their key. Lex sees a security officer hands Lionel the key. Lionel then talks on the phone with someone about how they only need Swan's key to open to safe. Lex sees his father as he walks out of the office, and they are readying to fly in a helicopter to Smallville.
Kara goes to the Planet and is on the roof waiting for Brainiac. Clark shows up and tells her that he won't let her face Braniac alone. Braniac then shows up and tells them he is the only one that can help Lana and that he is controlling her now. Brainiac tells Kara to come with him, which she does. Brainiac and Kara fly off together leaving Clark behind. They fly up into space and disappear.
Lionel is at the Planet waiting to talk with Chloe. He implores her to talk with Clark, but Chloe refuses due to his past murders. Lionel tells her that he's changed, when Jor-El chose him to be his vessel it changed him. He begs Chloe to listen, Clark is in terrible danger as he has turned from Jor-El. Lionel tells her that he has repented. He warns her that something terrible is coming. Chloe doesn't believe him and walks away.
Clark is at the mental hospital waiting to see Lana, and Chloe shows up and tells him that there is no new information on Kara and Brainiac. Clark goes in to see Lana and she is still unresponsive with the milky white eyes. She calls him Kal-El and says you're too late, Kal-El. Chloe comes in and sees Clark kneeling next to Lana and begins to cry.
In a deleted scene, Kara and Brainiac are in a jungle next to some stone figures. Brainiac tells Kara to take off the bracelet. He tells her that she could have saved Lana, but she didn't. She takes off the bracelet and throws it. The scene ends.
In Traveler we learn more about the mythology of Smallville and the mystery of how Lionel Luthor is so entrenched in helping Clark Kent. We find out that Virgil Swan, Lionel Luthor and the Queens, along with a fourth family - the Teague's, have known about 'The Traveler' for some time. That the Traveler arrived on Earth during the first meteor shower. At the time they didn't know who that was, but eventually Lionel figured it out. He had the other patriarch's killed. We get to see more of the motivation of Lionel Luthor. This episode came up with a great way to neutralize Clark Kent, with kryptonite tasers and a kryptonite cage. With Clark captured, it was great to see Chloe Sullivan and Lana Lang work together to first free Kara Kent from the evil clutches of Lex Luthor, and then help Clark escape. If they have a common goal, Lana and Chloe work great together and it's fun to watch. We also see Chloe declare her love for Clark, not in his presence though, while it didn't come across as romantic love, more like true love for another human being. I still think that Chloe and Clark should end up together and scenes like that only reinforce that idea for me.
In Metropolis at LuthorCorp, Lionel Luthor is working late and is brought a note from a security guard, who indicates that he has recieved another one. He opens the envelope and he is distraught.
At night in the Kent barn, Clark goes up to his loft and retrieves the key to the portal to the Fortress. In the background we see someone sneaking around in the shadows. Clark is tased with a kryptonite taser by multiple military personnel who capture him and knock him out.
Lana Lang and Chloe Sullivan go into the barn and see the mess left by the kidnapping. Lana tells Chloe that Clark was going to the Fortress. Chloe finds the book with the hidden key and they realize he never made it to the Fortress. They discover a kryptonite taser left from the kidnapping and give each other a worried look.
We see Clark in a cage that has kryptonite infused bars. The leader of the kidnappers is in a booth and pulls a lever which increases the level of kryptonite in the bars. Clark tries to escape and it is again increased. The kidnapper warns him not to try and escape or he will continue to amp up the levels, possibly killing him.
Lionel Luthor meets with Patricia Swan, the daughter of Virgil Swan. Lionel reveals that Patricia and Lex used to play together as children. Patricia has inherited Virgil's Estate, money and research. Virgil was obsessed with a Traveler who came to Earth in a meteor shower and lived in Smallville. Patricia begins to tell a story of how four powerful families would gather every summer, the Swan's, the Queen's, the Teague's and the Luthor's. They formed a secret group called Veritas. Lionel calls it their astronomy club and minimizes the group. Patricia points out that all the other patriarchs are dead, and accuses Lionel of murdering them. She points out that she has proof that he murdered them. She tells him to turn over the Traveler now, Lionel refuses and tells her that she is in over her head.
At the Luthor mansion, Kara is reviewing documents and pictures of her in her alleged High School. Lex walks in and she tells him that is enjoying living there. Lex tries to convince her to undergo the tests to help her get her memory back. He urges her to trust him as he wants whats best for her. She agrees and Lex tells her that he will get things going. Lex leaves and meets with his assistant, who is watching Kara via video cameras. Lex tells her to ready the lab for tomorrow and that if she shows any signs of getting her memory back, to lock down the mansion.
Clark is still in a cage and the kidnapper is cruelly torturing Clark by increasing the krypton levels. In walks Lionel Luthor who is behind the kidnapping and tells the kidnapper to stop being cruel to Clark.
Back at LuthorCorp, Lionel is on the phone when Lana and Chloe walk in. He tells them that he is having his people look for Clark, he will let them know if he finds anything. They show Lionel the kryptonite electrode from the taser. He tries to pin the blame on Kara and Lex. He tells them that he wants Clark back safely as much as they do.
The next day, at the Daily Planet, Lana and Chloe are doing some research and discover that Lionel built a secret lab the same time he discovered Clark's secret, and that according to power records the lab was turned on last night. They conclude that Lionel is holding Clark captive in a secure facility. They realize that they need Kara's help, but that they will have to help her get her memory back. Chloe can take her to the Fortress if Lana will get her out of the mansion. Lana is aware of some secret passages that she can use to get Kara out.
At the mansion, Patricia Swan is visiting Lex and they talk about old times and catch up on what they are doing now. Patricia is wearing a locket that her father gave her when he passed away. Patricia gives Lex a painting that he drew when he was a child. It is in an insignia of the Veritas group. Lex doesn't remember much, and Patricia doesn't know too much, but Lionel is the last surviving member and he would probably know.
Lex visits Lionel and shows him the painting and that it is the symbol of Veritas. Lex wants to know about Veritas, but Lionel minimizes the importance. Lex tells Lionel he will go to Patricia and seek answers about Veritas and leaves the office. Lionel immediately calls Patricia and tells her that he is ready to make a deal.
Lana and Chloe are preparing to go rescue Kara. At the mansion, the security video feed is cut. Lana and Chloe enter Kara's room and convince her to go with them. By the time the security guards arrive, Kara is gone.
At the secure lab where Clark is being held captive, the kidnapper is talking about how he has hunted down a lot of meteor freaks. He used to be head of security in 33.1.
At the fortress, Chloe and Kara are looking for Jor-El. Chloe tells Jor-El about how Clark is in trouble and that he needs his help. A bright light appears and surrounds Kara and her memory is returned. Chloe tells Kara that they need to save Clark.
At the lab, Lionel meets with Patricia and she turns over the evidence of the murders. She asks to see the Traveler and sees him in a cage. She is saddened that he is in a cage. She wants to see him face to face to verify that he is the Traveler. The kidnapper knocks Patricia out from behind. Lionel takes the evidence and tells the kidnapper, Pierce, to put Patricia on a plane back to Europe and then take Clark back to his home and release him. Pierce pulls a gun on Lionel and tells him that he can't do that. The safety of the world is at stake and he won't release the meteor freak. Pierce tells Lionel that he is going to terminate Clark, and then knocks out Lionel. He turns up the power of the Kryptonite to it's full power and Clark is about to die. All of a sudden Kara bursts in and destroys the cage and frees Clark. Pierce is about to taser Clark and Kara when Lionel pushes Pierce and he falls on some wreckage, impaling himself.
At the Kent farm, Patricia is being cared for Clark. She knows who he is and gives Clark Virgil Swan's diary. Clark opens the diary revealing that it is full of kryptonian symbols and notes. In the diary, Clark reads a 'prophecy' that the Traveler will bring great change to the Earth. Patricia tells Clark about Lionel's treachery of murdering the other's in Veritas. She warns Clark of Lionel's evil intentions and his manipulations. Patricia tells Clark that she is willing to help him and will be moving to Metropolis so she can see the Traveler change the world.
At LuthorCorp, Lionel is in his office and Clark arrives. Lionel admits that he locked him in the cage, but it was to protect him. Lionel tells Clark that he was getting these letters that someone was after him. Lionel tells him that he built that cell for the other Kryptonians that have come to Earth. Clark tells him that he has spoken with Patricia and he knows about the murders. Lionel tells Clark that he has changed and he is a different man now. Clark responds, "No, you're not." and walks out.
Clark is rebuilding the parts of the barn that were damaged when he was kidnapped. Kara walks in and asks if he needs any help. Clark says that he doesn't and pulls out Kara's bracelet and gives it to her. He thanks her for saving his life, Kara tells him that Chloe and Lana helped her. They talk about how they have both been fooled by the Luthor's and that they only do what's right as long as it benefits them. Clark tells her that he wants to see the good in people, but he thinks that the Luthor's are a lost cause.
Patricia is heading into Metropolis in her Mercedes and it stops on a bridge. Her driver gets out and she asks him why they stopped. He shoots her, killing her. We then see Lex polishing the blood off of Patricia's swan necklace.
In some deleted scenes, we see how Lana and Chloe enlist Jimmy Olsen into helping Kara escape the mansion by disarming the security so they can cut the power. Once inside the mansion, Jimmy meets up with Kara and they talk about how they used to hang out. Jimmy tells Kara that she shouldn't trust Lex and that he is probably watching her 24/7. This puts some doubt in her mind and leads to her going with Chloe and Lana so quickly. Jimmy's mission is a success and he lets Lana and Chloe know so they can now cut the power.
Pete Ross is back!! I didn't realize how much I missed Pete until I saw him back on the show. While I would occasionally wonder what happened to him and felt it a shame that he was no longer a regular, This episode made me realize that Smallville needs more Pete. With Pete back in Smallville, it wasn't just a cameo appearance, we were able to see how Pete gained powers and had to face the same trials that Lana Lang had to face a few episodes ago when she was given Clark Kent's powers. He felt he could handle them like Clark has and could be a Hero. Again, the subject matter of Clark hiding out and not going public with his powers for the good of humanity was addressed. Again, Clark declines to go public and to stay in the shadows. Pete's powers were similar to Elastic Man from the fantastic four. He could stretch his body anyway he wanted. However, these powers were only due to kryptonite infected gum and would only be usable when he was chewing the gum and were temporary. Pete learned first hand how hard it is for Clark to keep his secret and gained a greater appreciation for Clark and their friendship deepened. While Pete is only back for this episode, I hope that he comes back to Smallville at a later date and that we get to see more of Pete in action.
Jimmy Olsen and Kara Kent are out on a date and go to a club, held in the gum factory of Stride, in hopes to renew Kara's memories. Jimmy goes to get Kara a drink. We then see Pete Ross as he is at the club too. He's looking for some gum, and he goes backstage and finds an open box of gum and gets some.
Back at the dance floor, One Republic is playing for the crowd and Kara is dancing to the music. We see Pete put a piece of green gum in his mouth, and it glows at it appears to be meteor rock infused. Jimmy comes back and takes a cell phone photo of Kara dancing and Pete is in the background. A speaker breaks loose and is about to fall on Kara. Pete goes to grab Kara, and his arms stretch and grab Kara. Jimmy has captured the ordeal on his camera. Pete looks at his arms in wonder.
At the Kent farm, Lionel Luthor is visiting with Lana Lang and Clark Kent. They discuss how Kara still has amnesia and how they should tell her the truth about who she is. Kara is spending a lot of time with Lex Luthor, Pete shows up at the Kent farm and they renew their friendship.
At the Luthor mansion, Kara visits Lex and they talk about how Kara is trying to recover her memories. Kara asks Lex how well he knows Clark and if he trusts him. Lex says he can't and that Clark is evasive. Kara questions why Clark isn't telling her the truth. Lex talks to her about the symbols on her bracelet and how they are important to revealing her identity and that Clark knows something.
Back at the farm, Clark and Pete are playing ball. Clark goes to dunk, but Pete steals the ball with his stretch arms. They talk about Lionel and how all of a sudden he's a saint. They talk about how Pete has changed his whole life because of Clark and to protect his secret. Pete reveals his new ability and Clark tells him that they need to find a way to reverse it. Pete gets angry and accuses Clark of being jealous and that he isn't going to try and hide his abilities like Clark has been. He threatens Clark that if he tries to stop him, then he will reveal Clark's abilities. Pete leaves angry.
At the Daily Planet, Jimmy shows up to talk with Chloe Sullivan and he shows Chloe the picture. She recognizes Pete and fills Jimmy in on their past friendship. He wants to expose Pete and his powers to bring a positive spin to meteor freaks. He has interviewed Pete and Chloe offers to review the interview before publishing it. Chloe goes to close the window showing the Pete Ross picture, the files were being uploaded to another computer.
Chloe goes up to Lex's office and accuses Lex of stealing her files. While we the the audience saw the file being uploaded to Lex's computer and Lex doesn't tell Chloe. Lex tells Chloe that she doesn't have rights working for him and threatens to fire her if she doesn't back down.
At the Stride factory, Jimmy is there talking with people and Clark shows up and he and Jimmy talk about Pete. Jimmy wants to expose his powers to improve the meteor freaks reputation, while Clark wants to protect Pete by not revealing his powers. Jimmy leaves and Clark walks past a stack of Stride boxes and is weakened. He moves the boxes and sees a crack in the concrete with a stream of liquid with the neon green glow.
Pete shows up to the Daily Planet and he and Chloe hug and talk about Chloe's job at the Planet. She reveals that Lex is hacking into her computer and monitoring all the computer's on the network. Chloe indicates that the only way to stop that would be to unleash a virus into the system. Pete reveals his ability to Chloe and she cautions him, while Pete doesn't agree with that. Pete urges her to publish his story on the front page regardless of what other meteor freaks think and how it will affect them.
At the Kent barn, in the loft, Kara is going through Clark's things and Lana catches her. Kara asks Lana about the symbols, and Lana gives a evasive answer. Kara reveals that she knows that Lana knows about them and that Lex has told her about the symbols. Lana warns Kara about Lex and to not trust him. Kara pleads with Lana to tell her the truth, but Lana is quiet. Kara promises her that she will uncover the truth sooner or later.
At the Planet, Jimmy comes into Lex's office and finds Pete on Lex's computer. Pete is uploading a virus to the computer system. Lex walks in and finds Pete and tries to convince Pete to work for him. Lex tells him that he thinks Kara's bracelet is locked in Lionel's vault and he wants Pete to recover it. Pete still says he won't do it, but then Lex tells Pete that if he doesn't then he will tell the world that Chloe is a meteor freak too. This reveal stuns Pete, and Jimmy who is still watching from the shadows.
Clark shows up to the Planet and talks with Chloe about the Stride gum factory and how he discovered the source of Pete's powers. He has destroyed the meteor infected gum and tells Chloe that the gum is affecting Pete's personality. Chloe notices that all of the computers have suddenly crashed due to a virus. Chloe realizes it was Pete. Just then Jimmy comes in and tells them how Pete is going to steal something for Lex.
At LuthorCorp, Pete goes up to Lionel's office and finds the secret vault, which everyone seems to know where it is. Pete uses his powers to open the vault and finds the bracelet inside. He turns around and Clark is standing there. They discuss how Lex is trying to get to Pete to reveal his secret. He asks if he knew Lionel had the bracelet. Pete tells Clark that he will take care of Lex so that he won't be a problem anymore. He pulls out a kryptonite rock from the vault and leaves it on a weakened Clark along with the bracelet.
Pete goes back to the factory, with One Republic putting on another concert in the background, to meet with Lex and starts to choke him. Pete is blindsided by a henchman, and his power is gone. Pete is manhandled by Lex and his guard. He tells Lex that he won't give him the bracelet no matter what.
Back at LuthorCorp, Lionel walks in finding Clark with the Kryptonite. He removes the rock and Clark takes the bracelet and tells Lionel that they will talk later and he rushes off to save Pete.
At the factory Pete is tied up to a chair and Lex is asking for the bracelet. Pete tells him that he doesn't have it and he never did. Lex gives the approval for the henchman to torture Pete. Clark arrives and takes out the henchman and Lex without them realizing who it is. He frees Pete and Pete thanks him.
At the Kent farm, Clark and Pete, with a broken arm, talk about what happened. Pete apologizes for acting the way he did. They talk about Clark's secret and how hard it is to keep it. Pete realizes that he has a hero inside of him, and that he needs to find out another way to save the world.
Pete goes to the Planet and apologizes to Chloe for the way he acted. He tells Chloe that he knows she has a power, but he doesn't have to know what it is. They embrace and Jimmy shows up and sees them. Jimmy feels threatened and Chloe tells him, again, they are just friends. Chloe asks about his date with Kara, but Jimmy tells her that it has fizzled. Jimmy tells Chloe that he is still interested in her, they agree to go out for coffee.
At the Kent barn, Clark hides Kara's bracelet in a box under the floor in the barn.
At the Luthor mansion, Lex is there and his assistant tells him about a constellation and that the last time these stars were aligned was October 7th 1989, during the first meteor shower. She says there is something else, but before she can tell him, Kara walks in and the assistant ends up leaving. Kara tells Lex that she doesn't trust Clark and Lana and doesn't want to live with them on the farm anymore. Kara wants to live with Lex and he agrees.
In a deleted scene, Clark confronts Lionel about how he hadn't told him about having Kara's bracelet. Lionel tells him that he found it in Lex's possession. Clark tells him that it is safe now. Lionel tells Clark that the bracelet has far more significance than they can imagine.
In this episode we see how Green Arrow and Clark Kent become better friends. Oliver Queen wants to be more like Clark Kent and to become more invincible than he currently is. In developing and using a specially created serum, RL-65, he is hoping to become more powerful. At first the RL-65 serum is very helpful and allows Oliver to do things that he normally couldn't. As with any drug though, with more usage, more problems come up. He begins to change into someone other than what he stands for as the Green Arrow. Clark is able to step in and help Oliver realize that he is great the way he is without any special serum to augment his abilities. At the end Oliver realizes that his abilities are different than Clark’s and he needs to be thankful for what he has and take advantage of what he has been given.
The episode starts off with a heavy make out session between Lois Lane and Oliver Queen. Oliver hears cries for help outside his office. He sneaks out on her and goes to help a couple being mugged. As he thwarts the thieves and helps the couple escape, Green Arrow is shot!
The next day Lois tells Clark Kent about how Oliver left her and also how the Green Arrow was shot, but escaped before anyone could identify him. Clark puts two and two together and heads to Oliver's place. Clark confronts Oliver about being shot and Oliver denies it and is very short with Clark. They argue and Oliver breaks a glass, cutting himself. Clark leaves and outside the door, uses his x-ray vision to see Oliver injecting himself with something. Clark believes this is how Oliver was healed from the gunshot wound. Clark later tells Lois about what he saw, and she vows to help him.
Oliver meets up with his scientist friend and they talk about RL-65 and it's side affects, such as anger outbursts. Oliver says that he doesn't care about that and takes more of the RL-65 serum.
Clark goes to Chloe Sullivan at the Daily Planet and asks her to run tests on the needle that he recently took from Oliver's home. She says she will contact her chemistry friend at Met. U and tries to hurry Clark out, as she is meeting with Lana Lang to go to lunch. Lana shows up and Clark leaves. While Lana and Chloe are talking, Lana passes out for a few seconds.
At Oliver's home, Lois comes over to talk with Oliver and finds the Green Arrow going through Oliver's things. Lois ambushes Green Arrow and hits him with a dumb bell. Green Arrow turns around and throws her into a table and gets hurt. She threatens to call the cops if he doesn't leave. Green Arrow then leaves.
Green Arrow tracks down the man who shot him and roughs him up. The man jumps off a building and lands flat on his face. Green Arrow goes down to the street and finds that the man is okay. Green Arrow finds out from the man that he goes to Second Chance halfway house and gets a drug that allows him to be stronger and it also heals him when he gets hurt.
At the hospital, Clark visits Lois and finds out what happened between her and Green Arrow. She hasn't heard from Oliver since being in the hospital.
Lex Luthor pays a visit to Dr. Black and she tells Lex that she is terminating the project as people are getting hurt. Lex reveals that he is paying her more than Oliver Queen is and the project will not be terminated.
Clark and Chloe figure out that the needle contained a drug being developed by Dr. Black. They go to her lab and find that it has been sacked and the doctor has been killed. They discover some files from Second Chances halfway house a charity that is funded by Lex Luthor.
Green Arrow shows up at Lex's office and they confront each other and they draw on each other, Lex with a gun and Green Arrow with a crossbow. They fire at the same time and both are hit. Green Arrow has a syringe with RL-65 and gives himself an injection, which heals him. Clark shows up at this time, and wants to help Lex. They both agree that the world would be better off without Lex, but Clark argues that it's not for them to decide that. Green Arrow tells Clark that he didn't ransack the lab, that Lex did. Clark sees a case and he opens it finding more of the drug inside. He injects Lex and after a moment, Lex is revived and healed, but Clark and Green Arrow are gone.
At the Kent home, Clark and Martha have invited guests over for Thanksgiving. Lionel Luthor, Chloe, Lois and Oliver show up and have a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Oliver has apologized to Lois and they are happy again. Clark gives a nice speech about how thankful he is for his parents and for the faith they have had in him.
At the Luthor mansion, Lex and Lana are eating dinner and it is not as festive as at the Clark home. Lana is quiet and subdued. Earlier in the episode, she had learned that she is pregnant. She has only told Chloe up to this point. Lana doesn't tell Lex the good news.
During the episode we also see how Lionel doesn't want to hurt Martha and that he is beginning to genuinely care for her. A small subplot was that Lionel was invited to Thanksgiving dinner, but he tried to decline as he didn't want to put Martha and the Kent's in a bad situation by their association with him. However, Martha doesn't want to hear it and tells him that she considers him a friend and doesn't want to discontinue their friendship. He ends up coming to dinner.
Upon finding herself pregnant, Lana is stunned and doesn't know what to do. She isn't sure if she want's to be with Lex or not. Clark and Lana have a conversation where Clark could tell something was wrong, but Lana wouldn't tell him and asked him to leave instead.
This episode was great to see Clark bond with another Kryptonian, Raya, and how Clark was able to learn more about his heritage and culture. It's too bad that Raya was killed off so quickly. I would've like to have seen Raya at least finish out the season. I felt bad that she was killed so soon, and I think that having her last a few more episodes so that we could have gotten to know her better would have been better for not only the show as a whole, but for the character of Clark Kent in Smallville. We get to see more of the story arc of Lex and Lana expanded upon in this episode. I am torn between being intrigued and disappointed. I am intrigued as I watch Lex and Lana move from being in love with each other to starting to lie and outmaneuver each other. But at the same time, I am disappointed in Lana as she stoops to the level of the Luthors. In the past, while Lana did annoy me sometimes, she was always a pure character. A friend who was nice and sweet and while misguided sometimes, always tried to do the right thing. Now, it seems like Lana is being sullied by the Luthors and I am disappointed in Lana and her choices. I'm hoping that she will come to her senses at some point and get away from Lex.
Fallout starts 6 weeks prior to the current timeline, with two boys playing basketball in Oakland, California. They see something fall from the sky and hit the ground near them. The two boys investigate and one is overtaken by one of the Phantoms from the Phantom Zone. He kills his friend and heads off looking for Kal-El.
Back in Smallville, Clark Kent is visited by an old friend, Raya, who has found her way to him. They spend some time together and Clark gets to know more about Krypton and Jor-El through Raya. Clark begins to feel less alone than he has in all his life. He is happy to have found a fellow Kryptonian, and a pretty one at that.
Lana Lang meets with the scientist that was working on the Kryptonian power source, and he gives her all of the research as well as the power source. He is leaving and getting out while he still can. He tells her that Lex Luthor has already started the testing phase of the project, which Lana didn't know about. Unbeknownst to them, Jimmy Olsen had been taking pictures of the exchange. He later shows up at the Luthor mansion and tries to blackmail Lex into letting him in on what the exchange was about. Jimmy secretly takes a picture of the schematics of the power source while Lex isn't looking. Jimmy is escorted out of the mansion. Lex goes to Lana and confronts her on the meeting. Lex tries to make her feel guilty for not telling him about that, while at the same time he hadn't told her about the military testing.
The Phantom tracks Clark down and confronts him at the barn with Raya. He uses a radiation blast against Clark, but it doesn't hurt him. Raya kicks the Phantom in the face and he escapes to recharge his power. The Phantom goes to the Mansion as he senses the power from the power source. At the mansion, Lex and Lana are arguing and Lana gives the ultimatum that it's either her or the power source. Just then the Phantom bursts in and throws Lex aside, burning him in the act. The Phantom consumes all the power from the power source and it disintegrates into dust, no longer usable. He leaves to then go find Clark and finish him off.
Raya and Clark talk about how Clark needs to go fight the Phantom, but Clark hasn't completed his training from Jor-El, as The Fortress is dead and he can't talk with Jor-El anymore. Raya and Clark go to The Fortress and Raya is able to send out a signal that lets the Phantom know where they are. Raya tells Clark to use the crystal with the S on it to store up the power that the Phantom will use against him. The crystal will absorb the power and will be able to be used to revive The Fortress again.
The Phantom shows up and he fights Clark and Raya, Raya is injured with a radiation blast, while Clark is able to absorb the rest of the energy from the Phantom. The Phantom's essence is destroyed and the boy's body is left behind still alive. Raya's injury is too much for her to overcome and she dies in Clark's arms in The Fortress.
The boy wakes up in the Smallville Hospital and Clark tells him that he found him unconscious and brought him to the hospital. Clark tells him he is in Kansas not California.
Clark and Martha Kent talk about Raya and how for the first time, Clark didn't feel alone and that he really enjoyed spending time with Raya and he is sad she is gone. Clark tells his mother that he will start his training after he finishes destroying the other Phantoms that came through the Phantom Zone portal with him.
At the end of the episode we see The Fortress light up and return to normal.
This episode further deepens the character of Lex and we see him and Clark drift further apart. Lex is despising Clark more and more, while Clark is realizing that he and Lex are no longer friends. Oliver Queen is becoming a regular character this season, one that is rising to the level of Lois Lane in importance to the stories being told. Other than these character developments, there isn't much to this episode. It hearkens back to the early episodes of the series, in that there are mysterious murders that end up being caused by kryptonite meteor rocks and Clark and the gang end up solving the mystery by the end of the episode. The episode addresses the past history of Lex Luthor and Oliver Queen and how they have such a contentious relationship. We see at one point how Lex did have a friend and that he was a caring person. But we also see that even from a young age Lex did have a darkness to him that Lex himself has mentioned in previous episodes.
Lex had a friend named Duncan in prep school and the two were being bullied by Oliver and his two friends. Lex and Duncan stumble up on some information that will be harmful to Oliver and his group, as they could get expelled from school. Lex believes they can use this to blackmail Oliver and friends to force them to let Lex and Duncan be apart of their group. Duncan wants to do the right thing and turn them into the principal. Lex tries to convince Duncan to not turn them in and they argue and come to blows. Lex almost kills Duncan, but Oliver pulls him off Duncan. Duncan stumbles out into the road and is hit by a car.
The episode is titled Reunion, as there is a Prep School reunion and Lex, Oliver and his two friends attend the reunion. Lex brings Lana Lang and Oliver brings Lois Lane to the reunion. At the reunion, one of Oliver's friends is killed by mysterious circumstances in front of everyone. At the hospital, later that evening, Oliver and his other friend are leaving the hospital in mourning as their friend was pronounced dead. As the friend gets into his limo to go back to Gotham City, his car explodes and he is killed.
At the Luthor mansion at about the same time, Lex and Lana witness some strange events and a chandelier falls from the ceiling almost killing Lex and Lana. Lana is injured and taken to the hospital.
Clark visits Oliver and finds out about Duncan and how he was killed. Clark finds out that Lionel Luthor swooped in and took care of Duncan's medical treatment and all the funeral costs. Clark goes and talks with Lionel and finds out that Duncan is still alive but is in a vegetative state. Lionel promised Duncan's mother he would try and discover a treatment to help Duncan recover. He is still trying to find a solution.
At the hospital, Clark shows up to visit and Lex rudely tells him to leave and that he doesn't have any reason to be there. Lois meets up with Clark at the hospital and they talk and go to a secret facility where the still alive, but vegetative, Duncan is being held. They discover that the day the attacks started, Duncan started a new treatment involving kryptonite. They surmise that Duncan is behind the attacks and that he is using some form of astral projection. Clark realizes that Oliver is probably the next target and rushes off to his penthouse. He arrives just as a specialty arrow is shooting towards Oliver as projected by Duncan. The arrow was a limited EMP arrow, and Clark steps in front of the arrow and it detonates. In the detonation aura, we see an outline of a man that is Duncan. At that same moment, at the hospital, Lois sees Duncan go into convulsions and pass away. The EMP burst shorted out Duncan's ability which affected his biological functions.
Afterwards, Oliver goes to the Luthor mansion and apologizes to Lex for his past behavior and tells him that he was wrong for acting that way towards him and Duncan. Lex throws the apology back in his face and tells him that the only regret he has is that at one time he wanted to be his friend.
The final scene is Chloe coming to Clark with satellite photos of craters left around the world on the day that Clark was released from the Phantom Zone. In one photo Clark is able to recognize Raya and that she is alive in Australia.
This was a fun episode to watch as we see how Clark Kent and Oliver Queen discover each other's respective secret identities and how they agree to protect each other in that way. Oliver is all about helping those that need help and tells Clark that he needs to start thinking beyond just protecting his friends and family. That there is a whole world out there that could use the help that he would be able to provide with his abilities. While Green Arrow was introduced in the previous episode, this episode introduces him even more. Clark is more of a secondary character in this episode as he, Chloe Sullivan and Lois Lane all try to figure out who Green Arrow is.
Oliver Queen and Lois go to a fundraiser together that Lionel Luthor is hosting for Martha Kent. Lionel gives Martha an expensive necklace to wear for the occasion. During which, Green Arrow crashes the party and steals the necklace. Lois chases after him and ends up grabbin a ring that Green Arrow was wearing around his neck on a chain. Lois is angry and writes an article in the Inquisitor about The Green Arrow Bandit. She does enlist Chloe's help in examining the ring, in which Chloe discovers a faint, worn image of a family crest. In talking with Clark about it, Clark realizes he has seen this before and goes to Oliver Queen's penthouse/office and uncovers evidence that Oliver is Green Arrow. While Clark knows who Green Arrow is, he doesn't tell Lois or Chloe, and Chloe is able to guess that Clark knows who Green Arrow is, but that he will keep that secret. Chloe doesn't press him and agrees to not investigate it further. However, Lois is still angry towards Green Arrow and is set on discovering who he is in spite of the fact that she and Oliver are still friends.
In a side story that is going on with Lex Luthor and Lana Lang, Lex reveals to Lana that he has the alien power source and that a scientist within LuthorCorp is trying to figure out how to use it. Lana goes to visit with Lionel and they talk about how they need to protect Lex from himself and should try and recover the power source before something bad happens. She then runs into the scientist in the elevator on the way out and she blackmails him into not letting Lionel get his hands on the alien technology. Lana goes back to Lex and they talk about how she already knows about the alien power source and that is is actually a weapon. She tells Lex that they should keep working on it, so as to be prepared in case more aliens arrive and attack. It is later revealed that Lex was coordinating all of this through Lionel to manipulate Lana and to see if he could trust her. Lex also points out that Lionel is using the Kent's and is trying to convince them that he is a good man.
So we see how the Luthor's are using other's to compete for power using either the Kryptonian's themselves or their technology. Lex is now using Lana and has her fooled that he is a good man and that she is starting to follow in his footsteps too.
Wither is an episode about relationship transitions. We see Jimmy Olsen and Chloe Sullivan take their friendship to a new level. We see Oliver Queen and Lois Lane develop their relationship and spend some time together. We also see Lex Luthor and Lana Lang's relationship flourish and become more intimate. But for Clark Kent, there is no relationship to develop. He does meet up with a hot Park Ranger in short shorts and the perma-grin on his face as he talks to her is pretty funny. But alas, it wasn't meant to be for Clark and by the end of the episode, he is all alone in his barn loft. The main plot is kind of weak and hearkens back to the tone of the first couple of seasons of Smallville. Where there is a murder mystery and Clark, Chloe and Jimmy Olsen (instead of Pete) set out to solve it. Instead of meteor rocks, there is an actual alien, a Phantom that escaped from the Phantom Zone, causing the murders. So, it's not an entirely original plot but the relationships and character development is well done and advances the overall story of the season and series.
At Makeout Point, there are lots of couples in cars making out. Jimmy Olsen and Chloe Sullivan are there because Jimmy got a tip that strange things happen there. Jimmy puts his arm around Chloe and they have an awkward moment and conversation about intimacy. They decide to take it slow. Chloe then changes her mind and they start kissing. A couple in another car get out and decide to go swimming. They hear screaming and go to check it out. Chloe and Jimmy find discarded clothes from the couple and as they are examining them, blood drips down from above. They look up and see the female impaled up in the tree.
It's morning at the Kent home and they have been invited to a Dark Thursday fundraiser event held by Lex Luthor. Martha Kent tells Clark Kent that she responded to the invitation for the both of them. Clark tells her that he isn't too interested due to the fact that Lana Lang and Lex are together. They discuss how people change, especially lately.
At the mansion, Monica is helping pick out costumes for the fundraiser. Lana is angry about being called the "Next Lex Girl", they talk about how the press can tear them apart if they let them. Lex and Lana discuss their relationship and how Lana is still trying to figure out what she wants. Lex is angry and says he is done paying for Clark's mistakes.
Clark arrives at the apartment above The Talon and talks with Chloe about the murders from the night before. They talk about how the murder was different and could be a somehow influenced by the meteor rocks. Clark asks Chloe what she was doing at make out point. Just then, Jimmy Olsen walks in and Clark realizes what is going on. He has a disappointed look on his face.
At the Kent home, Lois is sending an email regarding a job opportunity when someone knocks on the door. It is Oliver Queen, but Lois doesn't know who that is and mistakes him for an errand boy. He gives Lois an envelope with a donation to give to Martha, and Lois tips him and shuts the door. Martha comes down and asks who it was, and she realizes that it was Oliver but he has already left. Lois is embarrassed by what she did.
Chloe and Clark are approaching the murder scene with cops everywhere. Clark runs to the scene of the murder and is confronted by a park ranger, who just happens to be a good looking woman. They talk about how he isn't supposed to be there. They flirt a little and talk about how she has searched all over but hasn't found anything. Clark uses his x-ray vision and finds the missing boyfriend trapped under some roots. Chloe arrives just as Clark puts his hands on the roots and is cut.
At the hospital, Clark, Chloe and Jimmy sneak into the hospital and see the boyfriend. They look at the x-rays and see some things in his chest. Jimmy is jealous because he wasn't invited to go with them to the forest to look for the guy. Jimmy mentions that Chloe is his girl and they discuss their relationship. They decide to talk about it later. As they are leaving, they talk about how Lex factory might be influencing the forest and the vines. Clark will go to the mansion and check it out.
At the mansion, Clark goes into a greenhouse and discovers some seeds. Lex is there and confronts Clark as to why he is there. Clark tells him about the strange plants and they argue about how that everything Lex does isn't bad. Lex throws a dig in about Lana and Clark tells him that the closer Lana gets to him, the easier it will be for her to see what kind of person Lex is. Lex tells Clark to leave and that he isn't welcome there anymore.
Chloe goes to The Talon and runs into Lana, who was dropping off some things to Chloe. Lana felt like she needed an excuse to talk with her, they go upstairs to talk. Lana mentions that Lex thinks that she hasn't let go of Clark yet. She feels that if she gets into a relationship with Lex she will lose her identity. They talk about Lana's trust issues and that the one that she doesn't trust is herself and her decisions she has made. Chloe encourages Lana to make a decision, whatever that is.
Jimmy is out in the forest taking pictures looking for clues. He hears a noise and the pretty park ranger suddenly appears behind him. He asks her help in finding a weird vine, and she says that she can help him find what he is looking for. She pushes him down and holds him while the vines come out of the ground and one goes in his mouth and down his throat.
Lois Lane bursts in on Oliver Queen in an office with an apology basket. She attempts to apologize and Oliver is giving her a hard time about it. She recommends that he work with Martha Kent. He invites her to go with him to the fundraiser. He even has a costume ready for her, so she grudgingly accepts.
Chloe and Clark discuss how the things in the boyfriends stomach are pods that could erupt at anytime. Just then there are screams and they go to the room and see that vines have erupted from the boys stomach, killing him. The doctors bring in a dead body of the park ranger, Clark looks at the body and realizes the park ranger that he met earlier is the cause of the strange vines. Clark heads off to the forest. Chloe goes back to the hospital room and the vines have inserted themselves into the electrical socket, shorting out the electrical wiring in the hospital. She also discovers that the vine has died from the electrical shock.
Clark meets up with the park ranger and he reveals that he knows that she is alien and not from this world. She recognizes him from the Phantom Zone and that he released her. She has the vines grab Clark and he is impaled through the stomach by one of them and is held in place by them. Jimmy Olsen is being held captive close-by.
At the Dark Thursday fundraiser, everyone is dressed in costume having fun and dancing. Lex, dressed as a Roman soldier, is walking through the crowd talking to his guests, he looks and sees Lana walking in dressed as an Egyptian princess. Lex thought he scared her off, but Lana tells him he'll have to try harder than that.
Lois and Oliver are there as well. Oliver is dressed as a masked Robin Hood and Lois is Maid Marion. They meet up with Lex and Lana and Oliver and Lex trade barbs briefly, then move on. They also meet up with Martha and Oliver is willing to meet with Martha to discuss a partnership.
Chloe arrives at the forest and finds Clark, she has a stun gun that she uses to electrocute the vines and free Clark. He takes off to the mansion and Chloe frees Jimmy. At the mansion, Clark confronts the alien park ranger. She throws him and is about to set the vines on him. Clark uses his heat vision to set the sprinklers off, because he had noticed that in the scuffle a light had fallen on the ground. This combined with the water electrocuted the vines and the alien, disintegrating both.
After the fundraiser, Oliver is taking Lois home and he attempts to kiss her. She holds him off and challenges him to shoot a soda can at about 50 yards. If he hits it, then he can kiss her, if he misses her then no kiss. He gets his bow and arrow and shoots, barely missing. Lois consoles him on the miss and goes inside. The camera pans to the arrow and we see that although he missed the can, he bullseyed the tab used to open the soda can revealing he made a much more difficult shot.
Lex and Lana are talking after the party, how it is a night of firsts, that it was the first time he's felt as satisfied as he did. Lex tells Lana that she is not like anyone else. Lana takes off Lex's Roman armor and clothes and they kiss by the fire. Lex takes off her clothes and they continue on.
At the loft in the Kent barn, Clark is left throwing a ball against the wall by himself as contemplates life.
In this episode we see the introduction of Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, and we discover that he and Lex Luthor have a contentious history, that spans back to when they were young. Lana Lang is trying to convince herself that she made the right choice in picking Lex, by demonstrating loyalty to Lex even though he is doing things that she doesn't agree with. We see a first as Clark Kent gets sick for the first time in his life with a head cold no less. Everytime he sneezes there are disastrous consequences. We see him discover, with Chloe Sullivan's help, this new superpower and we see some humourous attempts to control it. I liked this episode as it was good to get back to a story where Clark is still discovering powers. It is reminiscient to how this was happening in the first couple of seasons of Smallville, when Clark discovered his x-ray vision, his laser beam shooting eyes and his super hearing. FULL REVIEW:
Martha is watching the news about "Dark Thursday" (the recent events caused by Zod) and how the Pentagon is denying reports of any breach of security that could have led to the recent events. Clark comes back and has been out all night helping with the clean up efforts. He feels guilty for not killing Zod and allowing the destruction to happen. He is exhausted, but goes out to do his chores anyways. While he is repairing the barn, Clark lets out a super sneeze blowing the barn doors off and they go flying. Lois out running and one of them almost hits her.
In Metropolis, Lex Luthor and Lana Lang are driving in his nice car when he notices someone following them. Eventually, the car stops following them.
At the Kent Farm, Clark is sick and has a fever. Martha surmises that he might have picked up a virus there. Lois comes back and tells him about the barn door. Lois then notices the barn door is missing and asks how that happened.
At the mansion, Lex confronts a private investigator, Robert Pontius, about the car that was following him and tells him to take care of it and he leaves. Lana walks in and notices the extra security, Lex tells her that he is being followed. Lex gives Lana a name and number, for Robert Pontius, to call if anything happens to him.
At the Daily Planet, Clark comes by to speak with Chloe and tells her about the sneeze. That it's not normal and then he sneezes in the office and blows papers everywhere and hot girls dresses up. He tells her about the barn door and how Lois is suspicious. Chloe will talk with Lois.
Lex shows up to Lionel Luthor's office and accuses Lionel of having Lex followed. Lionel denies it and tells him that it could have been anyone who was angry for what he/Zod did to he city. They argue and he leaves via elevator. The elevator stops and a gas starts coming into the elevator. Lex passes out and someone comes in through the roof and abducts him.
At the Kent Farm Clark is trying different remedies when Martha comes home with DVD's for Clark to watch while he rests. Lionel stops by and tells them about how Lex is missing. He doesn't know who did, and implores Clark to find him. Clark doesn't want to as their friendship is over. Lionel points out that if Lex does remember what he did, he could end up telling someone about the truth about Clark.
Lex wakes up strapped down with wires hooked up to him. The abductors have taken him to study the powers Lex has. They saw a video feed from Lex breaking into the Pentagon on Dark Thursday. They mention that Pontius came to rescue him, but he is dead now.
Chloe and Lois drive out to where the barn door was still stuck into the ground. Chloe tries to convince Lois that the barn door was blown off by a microburst. Lois is skeptical.
Lex's captors talk about freelancing and getting the answers for themselves. One of them has a gun and is threatening Lex, Lex denies knowledge of superpowers and he is shot in the arm.
Lois is at the Daily Planet and delivers an article on the barn door mystery. Chloe shoots it down and indicates that the events of Dark Thursday are more important. She then points out spelling errors to try and discourage her. Lois tells her that she will take it to another newspaper then.
Lana is attempting to play the piano at the mansion when Clark shows up looking for Lex. She tells Clark that she is living there now. He mentions that Lex has been kidnapped and wants to find him. Lana is suspicious and questions Clark about his motivations. She refuses to help him and won't give him any hints. She shows him the way out. Lana calls Pontius and Clark uses his super hearing to listen in. Clark takes off to find Pontius. Lana starts to look for something on Lex's desk and discovers a device. She pushes a button and a display monitor comes down and it shows video of the room that Lana is in and her undressing. She is also sees video of Lex and Pontius talking about the vehicle and Pontius had told the address, so she takes note of that.
Lex is being questioned and tells the abductor that an alien from another planet inhabited his body and allowed for him to have superpowers. The abductor thinks he is being mocked and threatens to kill Lana if he doesn't tell the truth. Lex then tells him that there is a serum in a vault on the 33rd floor of LuthorCorp and the code is Julian452. This is what gave him superpowers.
Lionel arrives at an office and speaks with a man, Oliver Queen, and brings him a bottle of Scotch. They talk about Lex and if Oliver has spoken with him since their boarding school days. Lionel tells him that Lex has changed. Oliver tells Lionel that he will give him a call, but Lionel reveals that Lex has been kidnapped. Also that Oliver had the only working satellite on Dark Thursday. He implies that Oliver is the abductor and leaves.
Clark meets up with Chloe at The Daily Planet and she remarks that he doesn't look so good. Clark reveals that on the way over his super speed gave out on the way. They talk about how Lana and Lex are living together and that it's like they don't know each other anymore. They look up Pontius address. Clark sneezes again but it is controlled.
Lana arrives at the warehouse, she calls Chloe and tells her the address she is at. One of the abductors shows up with a gun.
They go to Pontius' office and Chloe is trying to hack into the computer, Clark uses his x-ray vision to discover a hidden room. He tries to pry the door open, but is too tired. Chloe suggests he sneezes. Clark tells her he can't just do it on demand, she suggests that he blow instead. Clark gives it a try and blows the door down. They go into the room and find a photo of the warehouse. Clark tells Chloe to go back to the Planet and wait for him there, due to the danger. She doesn't want to go, but Clark runs off without her.
At the warehouse, Lana is brought in and the abductors threaten to inject her with the serum. Lex headbutts one of the abductors and Lana attacks the other. In the fight, Lex stabs one of the abductors with the serum and he starts shooting his gun, starting a fire. He then passes out and the other escapes. The fire rages and there is no escape. Clark arrives and in hiding uses his super breath to blow out the fire.
At the barn, Clark and Chloe are preparing to go to the lake to have some fun. Lois arrives and shows them her newly printed article in the Inquisitor. They invite Lois to the lake but she declines because it looks like its going to rain. Clark looks outside and sees the storm clouds and the uses his super breath to blow them away revealing sunlight.
At the mansion Lana confronts Lex about the cameras in her room. Lex explains that they are only there for an emergency and won't be viewed by anyone. Lana wants the cameras gone or she goes. Lex will take down the one in her room, but the others stay.
At Oliver Queen's office, the abductor who escaped shows up and we see Oliver shooting green arrows for practice. The abductor tells him that he saw someone else in the warehouse who appears to have superpowers too. Oliver tells him to find out who that was and to let him know.
In a deleted scene, we see at the Kent home, Clark is feeling better. Lionel stops by and thanks him for saving Lex. Clark says that he only did it to safeguard the his secret. Lionel agrees but also indicates that Clark is a good person and will always look out for Lex. In a disturbing moment, Lionel is invited to stay for dinner at the Clark home and he accepts the invitiation.
What a great start to this new season of Smallville! General Zod almost takes over Earth for the first time (or again, depending on your age). We get to see Clark Kent kneel before Zod and trick him again (or for the first time). We see the Phantom Zone and those that inhabit it and how it's possible to escape it if you know the secret passageway. I watched in sadness as Lana Lang and Lex Luthor's relationship takes a new twist, as Lana is exposed to Kryptonian powers without somehow forgetting it by the end of the episode, but it is from Lex/Zod and not Clark Kent. Lana is forgiving of Lex and the terrible things that he did, but "he wasn't himself", so it's all good. Then we see Clark and Lois Lane share an emotional moment, then realize that it was not the norm for them, but they realize that they kind of liked it too. This could be a new beginning for them as they start to realize that their relationship could be more than big sister/little brother, and it wouldn't be so bad. FULL REVIEW:
This episode starts right where Season 5 ended, Clark Kent is trapped in the Phantom Zone and is hurtling away from Earth. Chloe Sullivan and Lionel Luthor are being attacked amidst the chaos of Metropolis. Lex Luthor/Zod and Lana Lang are on top of the LuthorCorp building surveying the destruction.
In the Phantom Zone, Clark is wandering around an empty desert when he is attacked by specters who overwhelm him with their speed and ferocity. A robed stranger intervenes and drives them off with a beam of light emanating from a talisman engraved with the Superman 'S'. Clark thanks the stranger, but then the stranger kicks him in the head knocking him out and the welcomes him to the Phantom Zone.
In Metropolis, a LuthorCorp security guard helps rescue Lionel and Chloe and brings them into the LuthorCorp building and they head to the rooftop. On the rooftop, Lana urges Lex to stop the destruction with the powers that Professor Fine gave him. Lex then tells Lana that he is not Lex, but Zod. Chloe and Lionel arrive on the rooftop only to see Lex grab Lana and fly off.
Chloe and Lionel go back to his office and they talk about how Clark failed to stop Zod. They talk about going back to the barn and getting the knife to kill Zod/Lex. They try to think of another way. Lionel mentions that he doesn't have the connection with Jor-El anymore. He will head back to Smallville, and Chloe will go to the Daily Planet to try and find an answer.
In the Phantom Zone, Clark is being held by the stranger. The stranger recognizes Kal-El and then shows him the talisman with the Superman S.
Lana and Lex arrive at a warehouse and Lex shows Lana the spaceship. Lana is trying get Lex to fight Zod from within. Zod brings Lana along to bear witness to the rebirth of Krypton. Lex extracts a key from the ship and the ship disappears.
Lois Lane and Martha Kent's jet has crashed in some snowy mountains. Martha wakes up and finds Lois injured adn unresponsive. She is half frozen and can't move. Martha finds that the cockpit of the jet has been destroyed and all the communication devices are destroyed. She looks out of the window and sees the Fortress of Solitude and it is glowing red.
Martha takes Lois into the Fortress. Jor-El communicates with Martha and tells her how Clark used the knife to kill Fine instead of Zod. He tells her that Clark has been banished. Jor-El tells Martha to retrieve the dagger and kill Zod to save her world. Martha accepts the mission and Jor-El thanks Martha for doing such a good job raising Kal-El. He then sends Martha and Lois back to Smallville.
In the Phantom Zone, the stranger, Raya, helps Clark with his injuries.They talk about how she has been trapped there. She was one of Jor-El's assistants on Krypton. He sent her away to the Phantom Zone to protect her from dying. She gives Clark the crystal with the S on it. He tells Raya that he has to get back or Zod will kill everyone he loves. Raya is fearful of Zod but will help Clark.
At the Daily Planet, Chloe is studying the kryptonian symbols that Lionel had written. She hears someone coming in, and grabs her gun and fires an errant shot. The intruder ends up being Jimmy Olsen.
Zod and Lana go back to the mansion and Lex pulls out the object from the ship and disables the virus. Lex tells Lana that the ship will send out an impulse that will start the transformation to Krypton. Lana attempts to attack Zod, but he takes the weapon from her and impales her hand to the wall instead. Lex then leaves for the Pentagon. After he leaves, Lana pulls her hand free.
In the Phantom Zone, Raya and Clark are heading to the gateway when they are attacked by the two Kryptonians who attacked Earth in Season 5. Clark is captured and Raya tells them that she was bringing him to them, as he can set them free. Clark is the only one who can open the gateway as he is the son of Jor-El.
Martha is at the barn and she finds the dagger just as Lionel walks in. They are talking about Lex when Lana walks in. They agree that they have to kill Lex, Lana agrees to do it as she will be the only one who can get close enough. She takes the dagger.
At the mansion, Zod comes back with a Pentagon computer. Lana is back and tell him that she has nowhere to run to and will give into her fate. Zod tells her that she will give him an heir, and she agrees that it will be the first of many. They start to kiss and Lana tries to stab Zod with the dagger, but her grabs it from her and breaks it. Zod uses the object to interface with the Pentagon computer and access the satellites.
At the Planet, Jimmy and Chloe are talking, when the Earth starts to shake and a high pitched noise is heard everywhere, The Planet starts to fall apart.
In the Phantom Zone, they arrive at the gateway. Raya cuts Clark's hand and draws blood. She then kills one of the attackers and frees Clark. Clark uses his blood to open the gateway, but it also sucks in others and they arrive on Earth.
On Earth the are massive earthquakes and at the barn, it is falling apart. Clark saves Martha and Lionel and finds out where Zod and Lana are. He goes to the mansion just as Zod is choking Lana. Clark arrives and destroys the object and stops the destruction on Earth. Clark and Zod start fighting with superpowers and Zod is winning. He tells Clark to "Kneel before Zod" and he will not destroy the ones he loves. Zod reaches out his hand and Clark grabs it and gives the crystal with the S on it to Zod. It emits a power and defeats Zod, driving him from Lex's body. Lex passes out and drops the S.
At the hospital, Lois is getting better and Clark arrives to speak with her. Lois tells her about how she doesn't know how the plane went down. She did wake up in a palace of ice and knew everything was going to be alright. Clark tells her that he is glad she is back and grabs her hand. They both realize they are sharing an awkward moment and recoil from each other.
Lex comes to the hospital and finds Lana, he tells her that the last time he remembers anything he was in the field with her and then all went white and he woke up at the hospital. Lana tells Lex that he caused all the destruction and that he wasn't himself. Lex tells her that he will work hard to fix things.
Clark goes to the Planet and finds Chloe and that she is alright. They embrace and they discuss the kiss from earlier. They both agree that it was nothing. Jimmy comes in and he is introduced to Clark, and he picks up on that Jimmy and Chloe like each other. They go off to get something to eat. Clark heads back to the Farm.
Martha is cleaning up in the barn and Clark comes back tells Martha that he took the crystal back to the Fortress for safekeeping. He tried to talk to Jor-El, but there was no answer. Clark tells his mother that the Fortress is dead. Clark says that everything is changing, he doesn't know what to do now.
At LuthorCorp, Lionel is drawing kryptonian symbols but isn't in a trance, he translates one as Power. At the mansion, Lex is holding a broken piece of the object form the spaceship and is examining it. At Iguazu Falls in South America, we see one of the phantoms from the Phantom Zone flying around, letting the audience know that danger is still out there.
Clark is working in the barn and a mysterious wind and reflecting light appears. At the Luthor mansion, Lex Luthor and Lana Lang are sleeping on the couch together and Lex starts acting strange and has a pain in his head. He takes off in his car driving fast with Lana following him. Lex pulls over by a field and starts running through the field with Lana chasing him. He comes out into an open area and the pain subsides, he warns Lana to stay away. The ground starts erupting at his feet all around him. Just then a shadow falls over Lex and Fine appears next to Lana. Just then a beam of light comes down from a spaceship and takes Lex up into it. The ship leaves a kryptonian symbol on the ground and disappears. At the Kent Farm, Lois is on the phone with an airline company trying to get a flight for her and Martha to go to Washington. Lionel comes by and offers to take them in the LuthorCorp jet. She declines and Lionel starts complimenting Martha on her rare qualities and is quite close to her.
Lana visits Chloe at The Daily Planet and she tells Chloe about Lex being abducted by the black spaceship. Fine was there and Lana blames herself for getting Lex involved. She is worried that Lex is dead.
Chloe visits Clark at the barn and tells him about Lex's abduction. Clark is thinking that Zod is using Lex to get himself free. Clark tells Chloe that he needs to go talk with Jor-El about this. He goes to the Fortress of Solitude. Clark talks with Jor-El about how Fine is back and how they can stop him. Jor-El tells Clark that the ship and Fine are preparing for Zod to come back. Zod is imprisoned in the Phantom Zone and that he killed him and his mother. Zod's physical body was destroyed, but when Zod is released he will need a new physical body. Jor-El gives Clark a kryptonian knife to kill Zod's human form when he returns, whomever Zod inhabits.
At The Planet, Clark has returned and is talking with Chloe about having to kill Zod. They don't know who it will be, but that it might be why Lex was captured so Zod can inhabit his body. Clark then states that if it is him, he will have to kill Lex. Lana overhears the last statement of how Clark has to kill Lex from the doorway.
At the Kent Farm, Clark pulls out the knife from where it is hidden. Lionel walks in an sees him with it. Lionel asks what Jor-El wants him to do with the dagger. Lionel brings another paper with kryptonian symbols, Clark translates it as "Sacrifice The Vessel". Lionel wants to help him, but Clark tells Lionel about he will have to kill the vessel. Zod will inhabit a vessel that Clark will have to kill. Clark says that he can't kill anyone. Lionel tells Clark that the true test of a hero is that he might have to kill one to save many. Clark says that even if it is your own son? He tells Lionel that Lex was abducted this morning at the field. Lionel goes to the field and Lex is back. Lionel and Lex talk about Lex has made a deal with the devil and he always comes to collect. Lionel grabs Lex by the shoulder and Lex throws him 100 yards away. Lex now has super powers. Lex runs off back to the mansion.
Lana is there and she is glad to see Lex. Lex tells Lana that he is okay and that he has been given a gift. He pulls out a gun and shoots his hand to demonstrate, he catches the bullet. Lana is amazed that he isn't scratched. Lex tells her that she needs to tell the truth about him. He has their abilities but he isn't one of them. Lex tells her that he couldn't keep something like this from the person he cares about the most. Lana then tells him that she overheard Clark and Chloe talking and that Clark is going to try and kill him. Lex believes that it is his father's fault for infecting him with fear. Lex tells her that he has to go somewhere, Lana wants to go, but he tells her no. Lex tells Lana to meet her at the top of LuthorCorp Plaza tonight.
Lionel is at the hospital and Clark comes in and Lionel tells Clark that he found Lex and that he has changed. Lex now has powers like him and that he is dangerous. Lionel believes that Lex was chosen by Zod because of the darkness in him. Lionel warns Clark that Lana is in danger too.
On the LuthorCorp plane, Martha and Lois board and find a bottle of wine and a card from Lionel. Martha states that she isn't interested in a relationship with Lionel. Lois doesn't believe her.
At the Luthor mansion, Clark comes looking for Lex. Lana is there and they talk about how Lex is in trouble. Lana doesn't believe him and won't tell him. Lana asks Clark to tell him what is happening to Lex, Clark doesn't answer and Lana tells Clark that she can't believe she ever loved him and then walks out. Fine appears behind Clark and tells him that if he would have told her the truth about him, then Clark would have her allegiance. Clark then punches Fine, and Fine tells Clark that he was supposed to be the vessel and release Zod the first time. Clark tells him that he will never release Zod. Fine tells him that he will use Clark's weakness of caring for humans to manipulate him. He then uses a computer program to shut down all the power.
At The Planet, Clark finds Chloe and they talk about how the computer virus is shutting everything down. Havoc and panic are occurring throughout Metropolis. All of a sudden, a car comes through the window and Clark saves Chloe. They talk about how now the only option is to kill the vessel of Zod. Clark goes to leave, and Chloe says that she doesn't know if she will ever see him again. Chloe gives him a passionate kiss. Just then a phone rings and Clark answers it. It is Lex, who says that he heard Clark was looking for him.
On the LuthorCorp jet, Martha and Lois start talking about how it sure is taking them awhile to get to Washington. They look out the window and see they are not anywhere near the East Coast, as there are snow covered mountains below them.
Clark goes back to the Kent farm and is in the barn when Lex walks in. Lex asks Clark if has decided to kill him. Clark tells him that Lex did this to himself. Lex confronts Clark how he used to think that Clark was so virtuous, but realizes that Clark lies to everyone he cares about. Lex tries to throw Clark, but Clark throws him. They fight and Clark pulls out the knife to kill Lex, but can't do it. Fine appears and encourages Clark to kill Lex. Clark instead kills Fine with the knife. A red beam shoots out from The Fortress and Zod is released into Lex's body. Zod's confronts Clark and tells him Lex is dead. Zod tells Clark that Jor-El banished him to an eternal hell and that the only survivor is Kal-El. Clark tells him that it is between them and no one else. Zod tells Clark that he needs to join him and Clark says that he will never join him. Zod then is able to imprison him in the Phantom Zone.
In the LuthorCorp jet, Lois and Martha are running out of oxygen. Martha passes out and Lois is able to pry open the oxygen masks, but passes out before she can put them on.
News clips from all around the US are shown of people rioting and looting. In Metropolis, Chloe is stuck in the middle of a riot. Lionel shows up in his limo and Chloe gets in, but they are pulled out and assaulted. Lana is also in the middle of Metropolis heading for the top of LuthorCorp. She manages to arrive and finds Lex there. Lana tells Lex that she is there for him and wants to find out where this will take there relationship. They kiss and the camera pans to Metropolis and then the US and then the world and how it is in chaos. Tjhe camera pans to space and we see Clark trapped in the Phantom Zone flying away from Earth.
Clark comes home to dark home and lo and behold it is a surprise birthday party! Lois has made Clark a cake. Clark opens presents, and Lois gives Clark a journal embossed with his initials. Clark notices an envelope with his father's handwriting on it. There's a card with two tickets to a baseball game in Milwaukee. Later on, at the graveyard, Clark is talking to his father's grave and leaves the tickets on his grave. Clark then sees his father and Jonathan tells him that Clark needs to stop Lionel Luthor and that to save this world, he needs to kill Lionel. Jonathan then disappears into the mist. At the Kent Farm, Clark talks over the meeting with Jonathan with Martha, and she tries to dissuade Clark that it wasn't his father. Clark tells his mother about the near death experience and how he saw Jonathan then. Martha starts to believe Clark.
At The Talon, Lana picks up some coffee and runs into Lois. Lois guesses that she is picking up coffee for Lex and asks if Lana is his new assistant. She says that she isn't, but that they are together but he isn't her boyfriend.
Chloe and Clark talk about Clark seeing Jonathan at the graveyard. Chloe goes along with it and they try to figure out why he should kill Lionel. Clark reveals to Chloe that someone tried to blackmail Martha and why.
At the Luthor mansion, Lionel and Lex Luthor talk about how Lex has been working with Professor Fine. Lionel reveals that he knows that Lex has been smuggling chemicals and viruses into the US, also that there are multiple Fine's around the world. Lionel warns Lex to stop. Lex leaves and after which Lionel again has a strange reaction and reaches for pen and paper and this time we see him draw some kryptonian symbols and his eyes are whited over just as before.
Clark and Chloe break into Lionel's office at LuthorCorp and discover that Lionel has an appointment with The Inquisitor and The Pentagon regarding The Weapon. Chloe surmises that maybe Clark is The Weapon.
At the Mansion, Lana stops by after a three hour conversation with Lois. Lex talks to Lana about something that is happening. He has been working on something big and asks her how deep she wants to get involved with a new project. He warns her that if he shows her this new information she is all in and can't go back. She agrees and they go to a facility at LuthorCorp. Lex has been collecting viruses so that he can change the world. He has been altering the viruses to be able to help people. Fine believes that the spacecraft could be the first of many. Lex is now working against Fine. Lex has pictures of the spacecraft and Fine standing next to it. Lana reveals that she might know how to stop him. She says that Lionel had told her how to do it when she found him in that strange trance he was in, when she found him scratching symbols on the floor in the mansion.
At the Kent home, Martha recieves a voicemail from Lionel warning her that something is going on that Clark needs to know about. She looks into the darkened living room and sees Jonathan sitting in a chair. Jonathan questions how long she has had feelings for Lionel. She denies any feelings for him, and tells him that she misses him so much. Jonathan warns that Lionel will kill everyone unless Clark kills him. He disappears from the home, and we as the audience see Jonathan looking in through a window at Martha. Jonathan then slowly morphs into one of the Dr. Fine's and he smiles mischeviously before he runs off.
Martha is talking with Clark about how she saw Jonathan, they talk about why Lionel has to be killed. Martha tells Clark that Jonathan said that Lionel had something to do with his death.
At the Luthor mansion, Lex is reviewing video reports on Dr. Fine's whereabouts when one them walks in the door. Dr. Fine talks to Lex about their agreement and how he has been cut out of the loop. Lex assures him that the vaccine is being developed. Lex tries to disable Fine with a rock of kryptonite, but it doesn't work. He says that he isn't one of them, but he was made by them. Fine then turns his finger into a sword and holds it to Lex's neck and demands the vaccine.
Chloe has been doing some research into Lionel's phone records and discovers that Lionel had been calling Jonathan multiple times and that the last time was an hour before his death. The last call was made near the Kent Farm and that he was there the night his father died.
At the barn, Lionel and Clark meet. Clark is mad and confronts Lionel about meeting his father the night he died. Lionel admits that they met and that they had to talk. Clark accuses Lionel of killing his father, Clark brings up the weapon, but Lionel denies that Clark is the weapon. Just then Jonathan shows up and encourages Clark to kill Lionel. Lionel tries to convince Clark not to kill him as Jonathan wouldn't tell Clark to kill anyone. Clark realizes this and uses his heat vision to push Jonathan away. Jonathan throws a tractor at Clark and then starts to choke Clark. Jonathan admits that he isn't his father and when Clark asks who is he, Jonathan only says that he is the one that will bring the world to it's knees. Just then, a high pitched metallic sound is heard and stuns Jonathan. It is coming from Lionel whose eyes are whited over again and he reaches out and touches Jonathan, who then begins to be destroyed. Just before disintegrating, he fades into one of the Fine's and then is gone. Lionel wakes up from the trance and asks "What just happened?"
Clark and Lionel head back to his office and talk about Fine and how he has been destroyed twice now. Clark questions Lionel how he was able to destroy Fine? Lionel doesn't know, but opens his vault revealing pages and pages of kryptonian symbols that he has written while in the strange trance. Lionel feels that what he wrote is meant for Clark. Lionel warns Clark not to tell Lex.
Clark and Lionel go to The Planet and show Chloe the symbols. She doesn't know what any of it means. Lionel tells Clark and Chloe that Lex and Fine are developing a weapon, the virus, that was completed today. They have to stop them. Chloe suggests they talk to Lana about getting into the lab where Lex is.
Clark is in Lana's dorm room, when Lana walks in finding Clark. Clark tells Lana that they have to stop Lex before it's too late. Lana doesn't want to tell Clark, but he tells Lana that Lex is in trouble and he needs help.
At the lab, Fine and Lex are talking about how the vaccine is ready. Fine injects it into Lex and he collapses. Fine then punches the power grid causing the lab to be destroyed. Clark shows up and rescues Lex. At the mansion the next morning a doctor is checking out Lex and finds him to be okay. Clark shows up and tells Lex he should have listened to his father. Lex tells Clark he crossed the line and he doesn't want to hear about Clark going through her stuff. They argue about Lana and Lex tells Clark that it is his own fault Lana isn't interested in him anymore.
At the Kent home, Lionel shows up and talks with Martha about how he visited Jonathan the night he died. He told Jonathan that he knew about Clark and that he was so angry that he never let Lionel explain. Martha doesn't say anything and Lionel asks her to forgive him in time.
Lex and Lana talk about Clark and how he is barging in where he isn't wanted. They agree to not talk about Clark for awhile. Lex goes to open a bottle of wine and there is an injection scar on his wrist. He then cuts himself on the wine opener, but he self heals instantaneously. He doesn't tell Lana.
At the barn loft, Lois and Clark discuss how Lana is moving on. Lois tells Clark to stop stalking her and to put his focus on something else. Clark mentions that there are times when he feels that Lois doesn't know him at all, and times where she knows him better than anyone. Chloe brings up the leftover cake and they talk about Jonathan's real gift to him was that he taught Clark to be his own man. Chloe reveals that there were three signs repeated more frequently than others. The signs translate as "Zod is coming".
Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan are heading to a court hearing and the star witness is being escorted in to court. Outside the court, Clark saves a man from getting hit by a car with his superspeed. The man ends up being able to turn himself invisible and sneaks into a enclosed room and kills the witness and escapes before he is discovered. Upon arriving home, Clark finds Lois Lane playing some video games on his new 50" plasma and surround system that was anonymously delivered. Clark decides to take it back, he thinks it is from Lionel Luthor. Clark and Chloe do some computer research and find that the TV was paid for in cash. Chloe suggests its from Lex Luthor and Clark goes to talk with Lex.
Back at the Clark home, Lois is excersizing and the stranger that Clark saved earlier comes over and talks with Lois. He reveals that he is the one that delivered the TV and that his name is Graham. He hangs around to wait for Clark.
Lex comes back from Washington DC after a week of researching Professor Fine and was unable to find any leads. Lex and Lana Lang tell each other that they missed each other and then start to kiss. Unbeknownst to them, Clark is about to walk in and talk with them and sees them. He leaves and goes to Chloe.
Clark and Chloe talk at The Planet about how Chloe knew about Lana and Lex. He is going to talk with Lana, to tell her that she is making a mistake. Chloe reminds Clark that he broke up with Lana and that while she doesn't like it either, Clark doesn't have a say in the matter anymore.
Clark is in the barn loft looking at a picture of Lana and Graham walks in. He reveals to Clark that he sent the TV and that he wants to thank him for saving his life earlier. Clark relents and agrees to go to a party with Graham later that day. At the party, Graham introduces Clark to his date for the night, Lois. In a side conversation, Lois and Clark talk and Lois tells Clark that she likes Graham. Graham tells Clark to go up to the balcony. He goes up and there is a woman, Gia, waiting for him. They talk and she tries to seduce him to the bedroom and kisses him. Clark realizes that Graham is responsible for this and leaves. Clark runs into Graham on the way out and Clark tells Graham about how Lana is now with Lex Luthor. Graham hints that he will help him out and take care of the situation.
At the Luthor mansion, Graham sneaks up on Lex with his invisibility power and starts to garrot Lex. Lana walk in on them struggling, just as Lex passes out.Graham escapes and Lana calls for help.
At the hospital, Clark sees Lex in the bed and Lana holding his hand. Lana comes out to talk and gives Clark a rundown on his condition. Lana reveals that she saw the attacker and gave the police a description. Lana tells Clark what the attacker looks like and that he seemed to vanish into thin air. Clark realizes that it could be Graham.
Graham comes to visit Lois at The Talon and they talk about how Graham is talking some time off to spend it with Lois. He invites Lois to go to Chicago to see Coldplay in concert. Lois tells him that he doesn't need to woo her with expensive gifts and jets. Lois reluctantly agrees.
Clark goes to Graham Garrett's home and Clark accuses him of trying to kill Lex. Graham tries to kill Clark, but Clark deflects the attack and Graham realizes that Clark has powers too. Graham turns invisible and escapes.
At The Planet, Clark and Chloe do some computer research and realize that an unknown killer, 'The Chameleon', is on the FBI's most wanted list and they have no idea who he is. He is most likely responsible for the murder at the beginning of the episode. Chloe checks the Digital Wall of Weird and there is no references to anything related to the meteor rocks. Clark realizes that because he saved Graham it has resulted in he murder and Lex's injury. Chloe and Clark talk about his weakness of the meteor rocks and it is revealed to the audience that Graham is there listening invisibly.
At The Talon, Lois is taking a shower and Graham walks into the bathroom and is spying on her. Lois realizes that someone is there. She gets out and sees footprints on the floor. She gets out and opens the door to find Clark standing there, Lois is buck naked and Clark gets an eyeful. Clark warns Lois about Graham, but she doesn't believe him. Clark realizes Graham is still there and chases him out into the back alley. Clark confronts Graham, but he has a kryptonite rock and overpowers Clark. Graham tells Clark he is going after Lex and Lana too.
At the hospital, Lex and Lana talk about his recovery. Lana tells Lex that Clark came by to visit. Lex asks Lana if she has told him about them, Lana isn't too happy to tell her, but Lex tells Lana that Clark needs to hear it from her.
Chloe comes over to Lois' apartment and tells Lois about Graham and that he is a killer. They run out of the Talon and into the back alley looking for Clark. They find him buried in a dirt hole in the alley. Clark tells them that Graham is going after Lex and Lana.
At the hospital, Lex and Lana are visiting, and Graham takes out the security guard in front of Lex's door. The door opens and Lex pulls out a gun starts shooting aimlessly. Graham is hit, but punches Lex and drops the gun. Graham reveals himself and is bleeding from a shot to the stomach. He grabs the gun and chases Lana and Lex out of the room and down the hall. Graham gets off a shot before he dies, but Clark arrives just in time to grab the bullet while their backs are turned. Lex and Lana never realize that Clark was there. Lana tells Lex that he saved her life, as Clark looks on from behind a door with the bullet in his hand.
At the Kent home, Martha is home and Lois comes by and they talk politics. Martha asks Lois how she is doing with the recent incident. Lois questions why can't she just meet a normal guy from a normal family that isn't a psychopath. Martha reveals that she dated some losers too until she met Jonathan. Martha suggests that maybe they need to date the wrong men, so they can recognize the right one.
Clark shows up to The Talon and congratulates Chloe on her front page story of 'The Chameleon' getting killed. Clark apologizes to Chloe for questioning her friendship. Clark expresses the pain he felt seeing her kiss someone else and says to Chloe that she doesn't know what that feels like. The pain on Chloe's face is there as it is obvious that she still feels for Clark. She goes on to say that it must be hard, but that Lana has moved on and he must too.
At the loft, Clark is putting the telescope away, and Lana comes by. She asks him why he is putting away the telescope and she thought he loved that thing. Clark replies with "It doesn't work anymore." Lana tells Clark that she wants to be honest with him and tells him that she and Lex are in a relationship now. Clark plays dumb in that he pretends he didn't know. He tells Lana that she can't trust Lex and he doesn't want to see her get hurt. She tells Clark that she doesn't need him to protect her and that their relationship is over. Lana walks out of the loft in what could be for the last time.